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  1. Captain Colonial

    Captain Colonial

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  3. Terry Everall

    Terry Everall

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  4. Mark Stanton

    Mark Stanton

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 13/01/12 in all areas

  1. its 30 f***** quid for **** sake to join .its hardly the end of the world , its nothing over a year for what you get back for it , i think its worth paying the membership to support the club and get the benefits and full use of the forum , you tight arses that for some reason dont want to pay a measly £30 and reap these benefits yet just want to moan about it really need to have a look in the mirror and get a life ,if you dont like **** off ,simples
    4 points
  2. This is getting beyond a joke now, EVERYONE should support the WSCC. It only cost £30.00 a year & most of you would spend more than that in ONE NIGHT down the pub. It makes my blood boil when I see people whining over something so trivial. Paul aka Tigger & Ade have put alot of hard work into this to get it up & running In fact they spent all of xmas doing it a bit of gratitude would not go a miss :bangshead: :bangshead: :bangshead: :bangshead:
    3 points
  3. This seems to be getting very stupid! A wonderful thing is a Tigger; A Tigger's a wonderful thing. Their tops are made out of rubber, their bottoms are made out of spring They're bouncy, bouncy, bouncy, bouncy, fun, fun, fun, fun, fun, The most wonderful thing about Tiggers is: He's the only one! (edited) Thanks from a newbie westfield owner who's saved a lot of money using the forum! Thanks
    2 points
  4. and what makes forum parasites that have been on here 5 minutes think they have more knoledge and know better how to run this forum than the people who have run the forum so succesfully and made it one of the best if not the best forum on the interweb and the people that have contrubuted to the wscc for years and years what it boils down to is you being tight arses that want all the benefits but dont want to pay £30 to conribute to a excellent club, in my view its better of without some of you,there are other forums you can use instead of moaning on here
    2 points
  5. Yes, we've had this thread before, but who cares? People's favourite song can change every day! I went into my iTunes and looked at the songs I've played the most, but funny enough, I can't say any of them were my favourite, and frag68 has a point about driving anthems as well. But if we're talking favourite song, here's mine (at least as of 0943 today!). I love this now as much as I did when I first heard it in 1975. I was at this very concert at Earls Court and you cannot believe how moving this is when 12,000 people are singing it together. Hope you enjoy: http://youtu.be/ldXFxtqKGmU
    2 points
  6. Captain C, your post on page 1 is quite possibly one of the best I have ever seen. Lippy D's contribution is almost as praiseworthy. I agree with the sentiment that if you're looking for a multi thousand pound hobby, 30 quid is a paltry, insignificant sum to fork over. I'm also amused by the comparisons with Facebook, Pistonheads, Google etc. Lets remember this club is for the followers of what is an *extremely* niche market. We're NEVER going to generate the revenues of the aforementioned, and actually, I don't think we WANT to. We aren't trying to be Google or Facebook and make millions by simply having lots of footfall across these pages. The Club is essentially non profit making. It makes enough to do the things we want to do and to pay for things that I'll bet the freeloaders have never even considered, like adequate funds to hire and have insurance for our track days, show days and any other WSCC event. There are plenty of responsibilities that befall a club like ours that go waaaay beyond an "internet" club. As for the search, don't even get me started! It's the 21st century. I HATE it when people use a computer to say they're no good with computers. A computer is a tool, like a spanner. If you want to own a Westfield, you need to know how to use a spanner. If you want to get the best out of the internet, you need to learn how to use the tool that makes it work. Er... Sorry Barry
    2 points
  7. Posted Yesterday, 04:52 PM Why not completely ban non-members? Make the forum strictly for paid members....so we can't come. Captain Colonial, on 12 January 2012 - 05:06 PM, said: Nah - I'd only apply a ban on guests to either rude guests, or guests who have a long and distinguished history of posting idiotic, ignorant, pointless and generally useless comments that add nothing to the community. What makes you think I was referring to you? Did I mention you by name? No. You hoist yourself with your own petard there...so which one does that self-confession make you - the rude one, or the one with the long and distinguished history of posting idiotic, ignorant, pointless and generally useless comments? Now there's a surprise.
    1 point
  8. I agree with many that non-paying Boardroom users should have certain restrictions placed on them when using the forum. I have been a member longer than my profile suggests (pre-Internet) and for the pittance it costs to join the club, folk will be hard pressed to tell me it is not worth it. Some time ago I was involved in a bit of a fracas which provoked me in to seriously consider leaving the Club but on reflection of my initial thoughts, this site is the best I have used and the wealth of experience that can be gleaned is second to none so I renewed my membership. But being a member of the club is not all about the Boardroom. Being a club member allows discounts on certain products, organised events et al. More than some folk understand. I do not own a Westfield now and who knows, when my Mini is finished I may purchase one but that will not stop my payment of £0.58p per week to be a member of the club. In summary, if £0.58p per week is deemed to be an outrageous figure by some folk, perhaps they should find another hobby, like knitting as my Mum still has all the issues of “Fashion Maker” magazine; she might give them away for free!
    1 point
  9. The arguement about "search " facility is a bit silly and is not the real issue. If this website and the WSCC club is as good as everyone believes then why not put in small sum of £30 to join and positively influence what happens. As others have said its such a pittance that even as a tight Yorkshireman I recognise its great value so just cough up some dough and stop whingeing. Members must have some additional benefits compared to guests.
    1 point
  10. well they **** me off the whining gits want all the benefits but dont want to contribute anything towards the club ,bleedin free loaders **** me off , free loaders have no right to moan about the wscc , when you pay your membership then you have a right to a opinion until then shut the **** up
    1 point
  11. chill out dudes - it really don't matter that much does it shall we get back to discussing cars :westy: :westy: :westy: :westy: :westy:
    1 point
  12. I agree with Captain for he is the finest purveyor of Pringles and Popcorn to the Boardroom if you don't want to pay up then put up / shut up about what you think you should and shouldn't be able to do :zzz: :zzz: :zzz: :zzz:
    1 point
  13. The dark side banned non-members from its forum. The thing died (imho). This club allows non members to view and post on the forum. That should be enough. It is right that non members shouldn't have all the privileges that members have, to turn your argument upside down, there wouldn't be many members. Just for the record the dark side charges about double for membership than the WSCC. For less than 8p per day I doubt you'll find better value in any car club.
    1 point
  14. You're entitled to your opinion, but in my opinion, your opinion is nonsense. Do you think this boardroom costs nothing to run and maintain? If non-members can have all the same privileges as paying members, what's the point of joining? If you'd like to set up a site and administer and maintain it that would ever be a pimple on this site, and do it for free while dealing with the high and lows of society, I invite you to do it and wish you the best of luck. People who aren't members should count themselves fortunate they can post in here at all and get the seemingly endless patience and wisdom of paid up members who respond because they want to share their passion of Westfields with others - many sites won't be so accommodating. Nothing personal and not having a pop at you directly. I'm usually quite neutral. But I couldn't disagree more.
    1 point
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