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  1. Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman

    Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman


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  2. XTR2Turbo


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  3. Captain Colonial

    Captain Colonial

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  4. John Williams (Panda) - Joint Manchester AO

    John Williams (Panda) - Joint Manchester AO

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/01/12 in all areas

  1. I find it absolutely disgusting that you have let the majority down in this way Why not a yellow car as a smiley feeling very let down and hurt but I sure I will pick myself up again at some point I await the response
    2 points
  2. +2 good work. Where there may be teething probs here and there, let's not forget they are club volunteers doing all the hard work behind the schenes.
    2 points
  3. Well done guys!!! no one likes change, and there are always going to be teething problems... but credit where credit is due; as an end user the change over has been quicker and easier than i thought and i think i'm starting to like it! Well done! Cheers John ps got to try the ipad app next..... this is like christmas again!
    1 point
  4. I can't get the iphone app either.... I've got a HTC!
    1 point
  5. Well it worked for Caligula...
    1 point
  6. Your looking in the wrong place, the profile customisation is for your profile page, currently it doesn't look to be enabled. You need to look further down the menu on the left, past profile customisation and select signature if you want to edit the bit below your posts.
    1 point
  7. Thats a long way to go without a roof, fair play! As for storage, http://www.softbitsforsevens.co.uk/ have some boot storage bags that I think work with the RAC bar (might want to get someone who has used one to confirm though)
    1 point
  8. It's fine if you post the code straight in, just like if you post : and D you get but there should be a text editor that also included the "standard" codes for every thing from smilies to, well as I can't see it, I can't tell you! If you can remember the code and scripts, then just like old Skool web site building, you can do it direct from a plain text editor. Which is effectively what iPad users have at the moment. It's no biggie, and in the scheme of all the great new things about Boardroom 3.0 it's small. It's just one of those little annoyances that you forget about till you come to do something needing it. Fingers crossed once the sites had a week or two to settle down, the team can have a look at it. In the mean time though, thank you to the team for pulling off such a good job, ahead of the timetable.
    1 point
  9. Do you know this cannot be done or accomodated? Stick around chap - tis a small-ish point to get miffed about, especially without asking if the option can be "switched on" first?
    1 point
  10. Personally I think it's big improvement over the previous incarnation..... People seem to be getting very tetchy with it in extremely short order tho! Stop being impatient you silly sods, the last one existed for over 10 years, this one has been in use for ooooh, nearly two whole days.....Take yer time, learn and adjust goodness me... \there are lots of nice little features dotted about if you take the trouble to browse. Seems daft that non-members are unable to edit their own profiles but if that's one of the costs of progress then so be it...Although I'm sure after a period of settling in admin will adjust and improve further... Congratulations on a good job thus far... :t-up:
    1 point
  11. I'll be very sorry to see some people not stick around - but I have to support the decision to grant more rights to members than forum users with regards to access and controls. I'm very impressed with the new boards and I congratulate everyone involved. It's a massive step up from the old one, particularly with regards to membership processing. Although it was long overdue, for it to be so right and clean straight out of the box is impressive.
    1 point
  12. Nathan, 37 from Bicester. Just in the process of becoming a westfield owner for the first time...... The excitment is killing me :-)
    1 point
  13. I think I have sorted the issues, just need to change my password. Can the comment under the Avatar be changed to WSCC Member please. Thanks folks. :d :d :d
    1 point
  14. Which? magazine nearly always recommend Canon printers as the best for running costs and quality, I've had a Canon iP4300 for years now and it's been very good so check out their latest range
    1 point
  15. Usual smoke & mirrors for me. I reckon Westfield will be in the same place in 2014 if the group haven't sold it on by then... Buzz
    1 point
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