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  1. Stu Faulkner

    Stu Faulkner

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  2. Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman

    Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman


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  4. Julie Hall - WSCC AO Representative

    Julie Hall - WSCC AO Representative


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 30/11/14 in all areas

  1. Can you not use rough service bulbs in the lamp? On on the other issues, now you're geared up for any starting charging issues with the Westfield and tin tops! As as far as the Westfield goes, you're entitled to sit back smugly now and consider the aggro of strange electrical/running faults that would have been a pain to diagnose that you have neatly avoided by spotting and fixing, the dodgy crimped joint! Seriously, don't underestimate how much intermittent grief that could have started to cause you eventually. A job well done, new shiny tools, that's a win win in my book!
    2 points
  2. A very many thanks to the organisers of this event. The venue was amazing, I loved the 'Time Road' that runs around the perimeter of the museum, showing cars in chronological order starting at 1896 and going to the present day. Even the road surface the cars stood on reflected the actual road at that time. The royal cars were great, 2 of which are actually owned by the Queen. The cars were accessible, the displays showing how things work and the historical content was like nowhere else I have been......The steak and mushroom pie with roast potatoes wasn't bad either. The weather was perfect, is it really December tomorrow? I counted 16 Westfields, plus a TVR, Aero 8 and a MX5. I have met loads of people and I can't remember all of your names, but you were all lovely. I did meet a walking Westfield museum though, a guy called Mark (and wife), golly I thought I was just saying hi to another Westfield member until he explained who he was, I feel like I have met Mr Westfield, that really added to my day. Here are my very non-professional pictures, I hope you enjoy them. The first 8 to arrive. Not forgetting other lovelinesses. 16 at my last count, but there may be more. Lotus exhibit An overview of part of the museum. Thanks again, can't wait to come back.
    2 points
  3. All I needed to do was change to coolant to make sure the antifreeze was tickety boo... But Mr Grumpy hadn't been started for about two months so I was expecting a few fun and games. Draining the old coolant went OK, about 4 litres came out the bottom rad hose. Poured two litres of new antifreeze into the thermostat housing and all I had to do was get him running to mix it up a bit. I nearly got him going before I flattened the battery. So off to Machine Mart to get one of their beefy charger/starters. 2 hours drive to Cheltenham... £100 odd later I was back in the shed. To start the charging, I disconnected the earth and the other end of the cable came out of the crimp. No worries, I needed to change the ignition leads as they were the wrong colours any way so off to Halfords. 45 mins drive to Evesham. Got two new 30" red and black cables and two new battery terminal clamps. And a new 240v inspection lamp as its getting dark early. Went to fit the supplied bulb into the holder, it broke in my hand. So after stopping the bleeding, I picked up all the shards of glass and fitted another bulb. The charger was attached and set to boost and I went in for lunch. Went to fit the cables, the negative spade was too small for the bolt on the engine housing, but no worries, that is what rat tailed files are for. After attaching the non battery end of both cables, I then realised the battery post clamps would not fit the spades on the ends of the cables, so back to Halfords. Another 45 mins drive to Evesham... One exchange later I am back in the shed. Re-attached all the cables and then wondered why two fingers of the blue plastic gloves were full of blood. Turns out a few of the cuts from the broken bulb were deeper than I thought. A bit of electricians tape later and I was good to go. Even though the charger had a start mode, I thought I would try the battery after 1 hour of boost and 2 hours of regular charge... By Jiminy Cricket, it had bought that battery back to life. Mr Grumpy fired up a treat and ran enough to circulate the fluids. But really... 4 hours work and the best part of 3 hours driving just to change the coolant..?
    1 point
  4. Ok this may be over a number of posts but here is the start of the photos Oh it's me trying to get some heat into the tyres
    1 point
  5. Thanks to all the organisers of this event. A great day out. I have driven past the Centre many times and this was my first visit it certainly won't be my last. Julie you met Mark Stanton. He is Westfield Club heritage!!
    1 point
  6. Pain, blood, frustration, satisfaction - that's the kit car formula for magic isn't it??
    1 point
  7. And thank you all for coming along - don't forget to thank Paul who was I believe the main man in sorting the free entry ! Will post some piccies a bit later :-)
    1 point
  8. This is for anyone who has been forced (by their kids or man-friendly mates) to watch Frozen. At first it seemed like a good idea - I mean I loved ToyStory and yer Williams rocked in Aladdin - so when it was suggested that we watch Frozen, I though yeah why not. It wasn't long before I asked "is there singing ALL the way through?" and then it happened - the words "Do you want to build a Snowman" were forever etched into my subconscious and from that moment on that fuppin song would pop unbidden into my brain and infect me with it's sickliness. After a week or two of this unbridled torture - I mysteriously found the answer to my prayers and the horrors are now replaced by images of daring-do and my all time favourite twin-prop: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWXQUhBsUVM
    1 point
  9. I would sell mine to buy yours Christian....
    1 point
  10. Hopefully Ben's looking for one that's black, got all the boxes ticked for latest safety & handling options, looks damed good and with tuning potential to boot; overall making it a great package
    1 point
  11. This is a bit speculative at the mo so a bit vague. I'm swapping my silver top zetec. So it's going to be up for sale. Its still in the car but if anyone wanted to see it in situe. At the moment I can't run it as I had to send the inlet manifold off with the new engines head but if someone was interested and did want to see it Im happy to put all the throttle bodies back together when the manifold cones back. It will come without the low level sump as that's moving to the new engine. But if a black top sump will fit on then ill have one if those going spare. It will also have all the coil pack and ht leads (which were new last year) and a retro ford alternator bracket. The engine came from a 97 mondeo with ~70k on it when i bought it from borough salvage I've done less than 12k in it since in about 4 years. The lump was working fine I just wanted to tinker.
    1 point
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