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Watch out, HM is up in arms...

Norman Verona

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"Same way as working folk..."

That's the issue here! "Ooo, why can't my son have the latest play-box game, everyone else has it." Well love, the game is £50, he wants three and that's £150. You can't afford it. I didn't have much as a child as my mother couldn't afford it. I excepted this and made best if what we had.

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Anyone see DIY SOS last night.


Single mother of three teenage kids. Works hard at a full time job and has a very nice house. Her best friend, who she's known since they were 11, is diagnosed with a brain tumour. No cure, I think they said 18 months to live. Then her husband has a massive brain hemorrhage and dies. First lady agree to adopt the second ladies kids. All 5 of them! For 2 years they live in a 3 bedroom house with 8 kids. 1 bathroom, normal size kitchen so food has to be served in 3 shifts. Nightmare. All the while the Lady is working really hard to make the 5 adopted kids (all sub teenagers)  a normal life and to get over losing their mum and dad in the space of 3 months.


The programme said that over 500 people had written in to ask for help for this family. 


In an interview with the Lady in question she said that she went to the council for some help. She wanted a grant to build an extension. Their advice was for her to:


1) sell her house

2) pack up her job

3) go on benefits

4) they would give her a council house


Whilst I'm not at all surprised it is really unbelievable. 

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Norman's right!

Sister in law has done 3 yrs at Uni, got a degree in business management, but can't find a job that would give her more disposable income than benefits she receives. She is typical "Why ca't my son have what he wants?" and he has latest games, designer clothes and everything (has more spent on clothes than Mrs C and myself combined!) But I take my hat off to her for getting a job, losing several hundred pound a month in doing so and trying to earn promotion to get more money! However 3 brand new cars in 18 months on finance shot herself in the foot!

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I'm sick of paying tax on people like that.

I have signed on 3 in my life for about 2 months. The second time they messed up my application and I didn't get any benefit despite appealing. I went to the job centre and got a crap job but I didn't have enough money for fuel, busses or food to last me til my first pay. I applied for a crisis loan breaking down all the costs which came to about £45 over 2 weeks. They gave me £21 when I said what am I ment to do as I had found a job but now wouldn't be able to go they said that when the money ran out I woe have to sign back on.

Managed to borrow money in the end but I didn't pay the loan back for about 8 years. I was outraged by how I was treated and knew they wouldn't take me to court for that amount. I also took great pleasure messing them about

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When I left my job with the company I'd sold out to, I thought "may as well sign on".


Went to the job centre. Joined a queue. Get a form to fill in. Rejoin queue and hand in form. Told to join another queue. Queue again and hand in form. Now have to see someone else at another window. This went on for 2 hours. I'm then told I'm 1 day late to apply as I had six weeks and it's now six weeks and one day. They will put my case to the panel who will write to me.


Several months later I get a letter from said panel informing me that my application has been denied.


I wrote back informing them that the applicant had died of starvation due to having no money.

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