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Watch out, HM is up in arms...

Norman Verona

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Apparently she was knocked down by a car in USA. D'Oh!

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She died in a London hospital on 14 May 1977.



Her USA walks were in the 60s I seem to remember.

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Not read all the comments but what annoyed me was that they have benefits cut if they don't attend fitness classes. Which also means they must be getting free gym membership.

To be fair if they are overweight they have too much to spend on food. Same if they smoke and drink they obviously are receiving too much

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No, I promised not too.


No, no, no....


OK, here goes.


Over here, those on low incomes (and I presume no income) get vouchers to pay for food. Not cigarettes or booze, just food.


I don't know how utility bills or rent/mortgage get paid but they will probably be paid directly by social services.


The French have, in my eyes, many, many faults. But they are the most practical people I've ever seen.

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Mrs C loves the idea!

I do too!

A high percentage of people who are "Fat" and it causes huge health issues. They all have an excuse...


Over active thyroid, slow metabolism (which does not exist), fat gene... Or just needs educating and exercising.

Issue we face is the public can not be educated... "On A&E they did this, do it!!!" "My mates mum said it don't work, I don't want it." "Dot Cotton smokes..." "On holly oaks..." Then it's proven sedentary lifestyle's becoming the norm, take children, how many run around and go outside? I mean really outside, not on the x-station or play-box! So forcing exercise is the only option... Plus making people actually do something for their benefits!

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Oh, I fully support vouchers to force budgeting and spending benefits how they should spent. Again educating won't work.

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The cut is only aimed at certain people that could benefit from exercise and it's prescribed by a Doctor. If prescription not followed, then benefits related reduced.

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Take people who are both fat and on benefits only because they're lazy and greedy out into the countryside, cover them in fox urine, give them a twenty minute head start, then let the people so fond of hunting with hounds loose to chase them fit.  Simples!


/from the SteveD book, "How to be a Diplofat", available in all bad book stores

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Whilst It's difficult to argue where do you draw the line.


The NHS will not treat:


1) fat people

2) smokers

3) drinkers

4) people who play sports and get injured.

5) people who drive cars and get injured

6) people who enough money to go private (even though they've paid tax and NI)

7) people who are gay

8) people who aren't gay (depends who's on reception)

9 people who risk their lives by walking along the pavement.

10) people who drive sports cars with no roof to protect them from the rain

11) people who make lists

12 people who don't make lists and are therefore disorganised

13) people who type long posts and allow another two posts whilst typing.

14) people who have opinions

15) people who don't

16 people who watch TV soaps

17) people who watch reality TV shows.

18) people who went to uni

19) people who didn't

20) what are we talking about?

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Whenever a person has an issue in an NHS decision they are always given a solution.

Smoke? 12 weeks to stop and here's a NHS support group, NHS supplied nicotine patches, gum and EVERYTHING you require to help you.

Overweight? Speak to the dietician, speak to the physio's, and again EVERYTHING required to help supplied by the NHS.

The only thing not supplied is the motivation required by the person.

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Young kids round here , wizzing up and down around the estate on there Xmas pressy scooters ,






No more running , jumping , chasing each other around games needed :t-up:



what the devil are the parents thinking of :(

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Bernie, it's called progress. But us old farts mustn't complain as we get called curmudgeons.


To be honest it is difficult. I wanted my kids to have better than I had. They did. Now they want their kids to have better than they had, hence the expensive games consoles, computers, tablets, phones and on and on.

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The fact that fat people (excluding those with genuine health problems) get benefits because they eat to f***** much  is one of the many reasons this country has well and truly fallen down the pan, around the U-Bend and down into the gutters! Really have had enough of a percentage of my hard earned money going on waste of space specimens, let them eat themselves to death, I wont lose any sleep! 



what is your excuse? 

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Inspirational echoz,

I had issues that had me not walking for a while, months of falling over and a lot of frustration, but no way I was giving up my mobility! But I have to say it seems to be military people that just do stuff.

The issue we have are those people that expect a magic pill to solve there issues... The type of persons that says "It's alright for you, you're given it on a plate! You're given money every month, you're given your job!" Boils my fcuking blood! I calmly reply with "Well... If it's that easy... Go and join the army." Usually get replies of "I couldn't stand being told what to do" "I'm not fit enough" "I couldn't get up early"... Stuff like that, I then say "see, I'm not given my money, only difference between us is motivation."

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Over here, those on low incomes (and I presume no income) get vouchers to pay for food. Not cigarettes or booze, just food.


I don't know how utility bills or rent/mortgage get paid but they will probably be paid directly by social services.


The French have, in my eyes, many, many faults. But they are the most practical people I've ever seen.


We did have the same system in this country some years ago but it was changed as it 'stigmatised' those using the vouchers as everyone knew that they were in receipt of benefits. It meant that their 'human rights were violated' as they did not have the right to choose how to spend their money in the same way that working folk or those on higher incomes could!


Obviously this could not be tolerated our 'classless society' as everyone must be treated equally?

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