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Watch out, HM is up in arms...

Norman Verona

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Item on BBC news 24 at the moment.


Someone has proposed that fat people should have their benefits cut.


(I couldn't believe what he was saying but it's just another MP trying to gain publicity)


She went ballistic. Shouting at the TV calling the chap an idiot, what did being fat have to do with benefits, what about those not on benefits......


Then she came out with one of her best ever....











"That's racism on obesity"

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???  OK......! ???   It is early, so I suppose we can not be pedantic and forgive her on that one. :)


When my step-daughter was small, she was watching a commercial for Ribena on the telly with the talking berries drinking Ribena.  A look of horror came across her face and she said, "That's cannibalism!"...I've never been able to look at Ribena since without thinking of that.  She was right, of course. :suspect:

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That's ridiculous, fat people shouldn't have their benefits cut!


They should merely have their benefits tied to the back of a bus so they'd have to gently jog after them...

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What made me go for my gun was a 'voice' on Radio 4 at lunchtime that said that "rich pensioners should get no state pension". She, for it was female, said that among other "state benefits" the pension should be reduced with increasing wealth.


I have news for her: the state pension is NOT A bl**** BENEFIT!  :swear:

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But isn't that the root of the problem. The governments over the past 20 or more years have brainwashed into thinking they hand out gifts to us.


Simple example is I paid tax (a lot) and NI for 44 years, But I couldn't get the certificate from MY government which gave me entitlement to French health services. I had to wait until I was retirement age. Now, how about this as the biggest con ever. I could get it if I paid NI. OK, except that I had to reside in the UK to pay NI and get the E222. 


It just goes on.


Why should you get more winter heating allowance after you've reached 70? Could it be because there are less pensioners over 70? Or is it because you may have to pay more for fuel as you get older.


Thanks for starting me off.

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Nothing to do with him!


OK, I'll stop, anyway, it was MOTCO that started it.


Shall I make my new year resolution: "I will not complain about the Government"

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I spoke to my tax office recently regarding the way they dangler up my tax return every year as writing was not working ,they refered to my  State Pension as a benefit  "BENEFIT"  I suggested he refer to my records which show I paid tax/NI for over 50 years and requested he refrained using the B word to me again.  I see the USA debt if stacked up in $ bills the pile would reach to ther Moon and back twice, they consider their better off citizens are those earning over $400,000pa and should pay more tax and I agree most of us with this income would happily give up the heating allowace.   

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Err, as tax is a percentage of income, surely the better off already pay (theoretically at least) massively more tax per capita. The difficulty seems to lie with getting their grubby mitts off it! Tidy up the very complex tax system, added in complexity to by Gordon, and make sure those who are due to pay tax, do so! Having just bought a house in the Home Counties and having paid many thousands to HMG in stamp duty, I am smarting a bit about tax dodgers! Like Norman and yourself I have paid tax and NI since starting work in the sixties and never missed a bill as did my father.  I'm still paying it...

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Done one; trying very hard to disprove the second! :d



p.s. Who was that woman (Barbara somebody) who walked the length of the British Isles and said she'd have a baby at 65 and live forever? Mad, obviously, and dead as far as I know.


Further edit:





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74 years old isn't exactly forever, is it?

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