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Congratulations New Ss Champ


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Well done Ade on Championship No 2 - and many congrats to all the class winners and everyone that has taken part and contributed to creating perhaps the UK's most sportmanslike championship :) :)

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Congratulations to Ade, some great recent results taking him to the post first, great that it's gone to the last round again. Commiserations to the runners up, Nunny has had an amazing year, one to be proud of mate, not forgetting John who has also had a strong year.

Sure we'll all be out again next year giving it another go, see you then.


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Where the did Davies come from!!! Well done SteveD

cant even see any of j in the overall final results wuv :cry::laugh: do we not exist now :laugh:

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congrats to all everyone..... only sorry i couldn't have been there more this year...

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cant even see any of j in the overall final results wuv :cry::laugh: do we not exist now :laugh:

We had to take all J out for the moment as you were causing trouble again Steve by scoring so well !!! But don't worry you will be back in soon marked in Red as class J are not eligible for the overall championship, does show what a great year you have had though !

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Yes indeed.

Congratulations to Adrian for a stirling year and of course all competitors / administrators et-al for making the SS so good.

I am sorry I missed the awards being presented on the day but due to a communication error and being at Rocket, I could not get across the circuit. Never mind, I will be attending the Awards bash next month to take images.

You see, when I witness the camaraderie in the pits, the welcome I get as a bit of a stranger, it is not too difficult to understand why this club is the best to be a part of.

I will be posting some images of the day in separate thread.

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We had to take all J out for the moment as you were causing trouble again Steve by scoring so well !!! But don't worry you will be back in soon marked in Red as class J are not eligible for the overall championship, does show what a great year you have had though !

cool ta wuv , me dad has had a good year to , 78 years old and still flying around in his elise :yes::oops::laugh:

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cool ta wuv , me dad has had a good year to , 78 years old and still flying around in his elise :yes::oops::laugh:

yes well done mr D and your dad :t-up::d :d

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Yes, well done Ade, and Tim and all the class winners. :t-up: :t-up:

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Totally echo the congratulations to Ade and John- both had awesome seasons, albeit coming up from the rear so to speak, but with the amazing drives and times being set. Steve Davies, where did you come from? ???.........Well done boys!

Congrats to all the class winners..... great effort

Whilst I finally had to accept the second loser slot,it wasn't without what can only be described as my best season ever which I have thoroughly enjoyed. :)

Many thanks to Tezza for making me drive my socks off, the competition has been awesome mate and to Mark for making my buy his engine which made all the difference, even if the clutch was knackered... ( many chance of a refund mate?)

Gary Smith..... A true legend. Your never ending support, friendship and wisdom has been priceless- Sorry I've not had chance to wave this year buddy.... I was busy trying to go in a straight line!!!!

Finally, Mr James...... whilst my alcohol intake training has entered a new level this year, (does my liver need a holiday!!!) your willingness to pull your car apart to keep me in with a chance on Saturday was unreal..... A true star!

As for Mr Kerr (aka sweetpea)- you made me do it!!!, Ade, Terry, Gary, Luke and all those who helped change the clutch (was a bit of a blur, apologies if I have left people out), when we had no idea what we were doing, was so representative of the superb friendship and sportsmanship that exists within our speed series. I cant thank you enough............


Tim :p:arse:

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Well done Adrian, a great achievement, also well done Tim and John for pushing you all the way.

The close finishes to the Championship over the last couple of seasons is testimony to the success of the Target Time scoring system, so well done to SSOT for its introduction.

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And Tigger's posted the results already! :t-up: :t-up:

:d :d :d :d

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