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Last Blat For A Few Weeks


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May join you, it's supposed to reach 34c here today and tomorrow.

Too hot!

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It has been around 36c in the day and 32c all through the night.

The pool and sea are like a tepid bath, no sharp intake of breath when you get in

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Fantastic, Gatwick tomorrow for afternoon flight, motorsport sky + , might need to find a shady tree :d

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Hope you like pretzels Gary, been shoving them through your letter flap for days now, hallway is full to bursting. :t-up:

Managed to prize the garage door open (finally), will start filling that over the weekend. :yes:

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As long as they are not past there sell by date them keep on shoving :-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I am back from Cyprus and can confirm the following, in no particular order :p

  1. We had a nice holiday :t-up:
  2. The 22 Deg C temperature drop is a bit of a shock. We never saw south of 32DegC the whole time we were there - day or night.
  3. Today is the first time I have seen rain since we left!
  4. The Westfield is still in the garage and started first time (after the failsafe had been removed :p )
  5. There are no pretzels anywhere :laugh:

Back to work tomorrow - such joy to look forward to :cry:

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To follow on from the title, I had my last blat until next spring yesterday when I went down through the Scottish Borders for a bacon butty and a coffee for breakfast. It was brilliant and I used a tank of fuel. Didnt see the sense of leaving it half full so took the long road home.

Off to India for 3 months on Saturday and when I return its a few essential mods and repairs for next summer

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Hi Frag68 - More details please! I come from that part of the world and have enjoyed many runs around Langholm, Hawick, Moffat etc. The runs across Eskdalemuir to Lockerbie were really great fun.

Really miss the quiet roads.

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Went out for a quick 20 minute blat tonight - felt great to be back in the Westy.

I have still not found any pretzels though :oops:

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