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Potential results problem

cast iron

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I have contacted the SSOT regarding this problem but have been told that as I'm the only one who has mentioned it I'm negative and that as its a problem with the original regs then I'm too late. However has no one else spotted this potential problem?

When an event has only target times for some classes and not others, the reults for the overall championship aren't fair

For example its a hot fast day, classes with target times may excell and say get 20 points, in the class on the day this is fair, however someone in another class on the same event without a target time can only hope to score 17 points.

In reverse its ****** wet, classes with target times may get 14 points for fastest and yet the class without target times still gets 17 points subject to enough class entries.

Now I stand to loose from this as Pembrey due to the 103% rule I got 17 instead of something like 14 points. I'm raising this out of what I believe to be fairness

Options I can think of are

1 Bury head in sand and ignore it

2 Recalculate all classes on an event where %age or some classes didnt have target times to the old 17 points for a win

3 Dont have an overall champion this year :oops:

I'm off to Cadwell for the weekend and I'm looking forward to a lively debate when I return, hopefully not shot down ???

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I was hoping to quietly sit back on the fence for this and read with interest but in the absence of anyone else sticking their head above the parapet I'll post up my observations.

As a newbie to the SS this year i can't compare how the target times system is working relative to the old points system although i do understand the reasoning for introducing it where certain rounds/classes are poorly subscribed.

From personal experience I can relate to the point you make that what occurs in one class can have a significant bearing on the points scored by drivers in different classes on the day.  At Lydden last weekend I was the only entrant in class A/C, a target time existed from 2005 of 84.28s which as a novice I was not able to get close to and for the weekend I should have scored a total of 19.36 points, however in class F and H the target times were beaten by all the entrants and rule 1.6e kicked in.

As a consequence of 1.6e being applied across the board I came away from the weekend with 34 points as the only A/C entrant (even though I failed to meet the target time), yet competitors in class F and H who drove better and beat the target time received significantly less points than me.

As i'm not completing a full series of the Speed Series this shouldn't have any influence of the results for my class. But more bizarre is that having scored two 17 point class wins (and not through my driving ability) it appear I would have to compete as an expert for next years SS ???, yet drivers who have been competing for longer, with more experience and in more popular classes may still compete as novices.

TBH I don't know what the answer to your issue or my experience would be, it's not an easy task to create a points system that is fair taking into account different vehicle types, abilities, weather and number of entries at an even and I don't envy the task of the SS committee in this respect trying to write the rules.  I would hope we'll have the opportunity for a bit of discussion and a show of hands come the end of the season to see if the current system may be tweaked or substituted for something else for next year.


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1 Bury head in sand and ignore it

2 Recalculate all classes on an event where %age or some classes didnt have target times to the old 17 points for a win

3 Dont have an overall champion this year :oops:

4 Regard it as no more of a lottery than whether or not Bambi/Ash/Rushpuff (or anyone else really difficult to beat) turned up at an event under the old system  --  or whether anyone at all turned up.

My 2d worth:- If you look back over the last few years you'll find plenty of events where a fairly modest performance in one class earned 17 points whilst an equivalent in another class earned 14. You'll also find truly stellar performances earning only 16 because the competitor was alone in class.

Same has happened this year where some class target times have been much more difficult to beat than others at the same event.

No such thing as a perfect system (IMHO) for such a diverse range of classes.

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My 2d worth:- If you look back over the last few years you'll find plenty of events where a fairly modest performance in one class earned 17 points whilst an equivalent in another class earned 14. You'll also find truly stellar performances earning only 16 because the competitor was alone in class.

Yeah but your 2p worth doesn't count because it's "Old money", we're now in the decimal age :p:D:)

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I have contacted the SSOT regarding this problem but have been told that as I'm the only one who has mentioned it I'm negative

Funny that Mark when I first mentioned problems with the target times at the beginning of the season I was told that I was the sole dissenting voice. :bangshead:  :bangshead:

Putting diplomatic head on and staying firmly on the fence,  target times are CRAP several instances of them being unfair have already been mentioned. Lost track of the number of instances where sole representatives in class have come away with 17 points, something that we were told was unacceptable under the old system.

Don't like target times and look forward to OPEN discussions regarding next season, hopefully through a meeting with the SSOT and all SS drivers (or at least all invited) and not done on this forum.

Diplomatic mode off, dons flak jacket and tin helmet.

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Agree Paul, but not going to comment after a couple of bottles of Shiraz on a sunny Sunday afternoon in the garden.

Did I mention that the introduction of target times was a daft idea, and has put off a number of prospective competitors into the SS, as can be seen by the low entries.

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Was nearly as daft as an 8 valve class to encourage grass roots drivers into competitive motor sport.   That was rejected by the SSOC as negative also.

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aaargh no you misunderstand. this isnt a dig at target times, its about the %age rule and lack of target times for some classes

After my eventful day it definitely dosent affect me

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OK sorry Mark my mistake!

But what was wrong with the points system we both competed under during 2005 / 2006/2007.

First past the post served us both well, and made for an exciting and competitive years motorsport.  We both new who we had to beat, and the quickest driver on the day was awarded the points?

If it ain't broke why try to fix it in the pursuit of questionable progress?

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After my eventful day it definitely dosent affect me

Enlighten us Mark, how did the week end go?

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Ignore that last post, just seen your other thread. What happened? if you need any help you know where I am.
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Mark if you need any help in putting her back together just shout. Can't do any hands on as I am too far away. But do spend my life up and down the country, Tuesday Inverness!!! Thursday Oxford!!!.

Maybe can pick up parts for you if you need them.

Hope you feel a little less stressed and the pain subsides during the coming week.


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