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Target Times

Terry Everall

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is it possible to run last years numbers through the calculations based on 2007 target times?
It sure is - all you need to do is get target times from last 5 years for each class and all 2007 times and then enter them into a spreadsheet .......... once you've done that you'll have you info  :D  :D  :D  :blush:  :blush:  :blush:  ;)  ;)  :D

can someone send me a copy

im not that clever :D

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Will this mean that classes "A & B" will have there own target times, separate from "C & D".

If so that will be great news and will certainly encourage novice drivers to have a go at class wins, and even overall SS honors.

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Will this mean that classes "A & B" will have there own target times, separate from "C & D".

If so that will be great news and will certainly encourage novice drivers to have a go at class wins, and even overall SS honors.

how about a cross flow target time steve :devil:  :devil:  :laugh:  :p

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or sub-divide your overall target time by your number of valves  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :devil:  :devil:  :D  :D  :D
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But surely, it is what it is!!

It will be the same for everyone in the class at that particular venue, with the added advantage of not needing 3 SS particpants in order to maximise your scoring.

As Martin has already pointed out it could very well affect overall championship results if one or more classes had a relatively high target which not many achieved therefore not obtaining maximum points, and some other classes had a lesser target maybe due to most drivers in that class being very close on scores and maximums being more readily available.

I suppose what I'm saying is don't base the target on the exceptional driver/car combination Rushpuff/Barney/Guy, but average it out a little, but probably better to wait and see what the targets are rather than speculate on here.

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Don't you start me off Mr Piccles  :mad:  however a certain club IS looking at a classic engined class!!!

 You may be surprised next year though! Possibly "D" is the way forward  ???  ???  ???

:)  :)  :)  :)  :)

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...and relatively slower time events???
Because the overall time difference would be bigger if I follow your thinking? When I did that model last year I based it on a percentage difference between actual and target times for exactly this reason. The SSOC have decided different and I don't think that it will make a huge difference, but it would be interesting to hear the reasoning.

Whatever, the scorer's job will be much simpler (not easy, but much simpler).

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I suppose what I'm saying is don't base the target on the exceptional driver/car combination Rushpuff/Barney/Guy, but average it out a little, but probably better to wait and see what the targets are rather than speculate on here.

Paul, could you post up an example of how you would do this?

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Its also worth noting that crossplies will not be allowed after 2010 and Andy's times were set on those,

Dont forget that there is also a separate novice chamionship which runs alongside so target times for A and B are largely irrelevent IMO and probably why A and C and B and D were merged

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I'm sorry but I don’t fully understand the new scoring system, which states:

b) A slower time than the Target time will reduce the points scored by 0.01 point for each 0.01 second difference, with a minimum score of one.

Take an example, say that a WSCC class at Shelsley Walsh has a target of 30secs. It is a wet/damp day but the class winner skillfully manages a 33secs run, being 10% over the target and scoring 14 points (with over 51% of the class being within 13% of the target). Now consider the same conditions but at Pembrey (where a wet/damp day is not unusual) with a target time of 120secs. The class winner is once more very skilful and manages a time of 132secs, being again 10% over the target but only scoring 5 points. Unless I have completely misunderstood the system this implies that serious competitors should keep well away from long courses ~ only the real fanatics will feel good about coming away from a wet weekend at Pembrey with a mere 5 points for a class win?

Also if you think again about the Pembrey example, if our winner (and the other entrants) had been less brave and the winning time had been 138secs then 1.6e) would apply and they would have been awarded 17 points ~ 12 more points for going 6 seconds slower?

Have I got this right or have I missed something crucial?

Happy New Year, Annie.

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The winner in the wet gets 17 points and 2nd 3rd etc get their scores from the time difference from the winner is my understanding
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The winner in the wet gets 17 points and 2nd 3rd etc get their scores from the time difference from the winner is my understanding

No, in my examples the damp condition runs were within 10% of the target times and the new scheme states that, "If conditions at a round are such that 51% or more of the WSCC entry have times which are 113% or more than the target times, then regulation 6(e) will apply."


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It is the whole WSCC entry and not just your class plus Nick has overrirding say as to whether it was wet or not depending on his spies feedback

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I will be sending out an explanation which shows how the target times are expected to work. This may answer some of your questions.

Annie is right in her example and it does highlight a potential problem. But I hope that in practice this will not be the case.

As a result of considering this we have one little clause in the rules, under section 1.6 :-

.... the decision to apply these Rules is at the Sole Discretion of the Championship Coordinator.  :D  :D

Hopefully this won't be needed, but if something crops up where applying the rules ends up with an obviously stupid result, then I can chose not to apply  :D  :D  :D

My overriding comment is we will all be learning this year as it is a very major change. No doubt we will have got some of it wrong, we won't find out till it happens and we will try and correct it for 2011. Possibly it's all correct , but let's see.

I don't intend to enter into lots of chat about things on the boardroom, if you have a problem with something then point it put to me and I will try and resolve it. BUT I am also aware of the saying, you can't please all of the people all of the time  :oops:  :oops:  so if a decision goes against you then sorry, my view and that of the Speed Series Committee will always be to look to the benefit of the championship overall with a longer term outlook.


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The WSCC entry and not just your class plus Nick has overrirding say as to whether it was wet or not depending on his spies feedback

I believe that the new rules suggest that they are applied by class, not across the whole entry. Otherwise you could have a competitor who did a brilliant time in the dry (say beating the target by 1.5 secs and earning 18.5 points) only for it to start raining for the other classes. If the 'wet event' rule was then applied across all classes our hero would drop back to 17 ~ would that be fair?


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