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I can't eply to "For Sale" or contact sellers


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Well put Blatman and I agree with your comments.  I believe however during your time away from these pages that non-members had their ability to send PM's taken away, hence why this query keeps cropping up.  

Ok, I didn't know that non member contact had been removed. Anyone care to enlighten me as to why? I have obviously missed something somewhere.

My opinions may need modifying once I am better informed. Currently, I appear to be behind the curve somewhat :0

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*cough* bites lip and goes back in to the garage

Evnin' Batters !

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Hello Rob...

Stop bitin' yer lip and have a say whilst the 'Tina bonnet is drying ;)

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I was biting my lip about you being behind the curve..... never did get the hang of an apex then ?
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Well put Blatman and I agree with your comments.  I believe however during your time away from these pages that non-members had their ability to send PM's taken away, hence why this query keeps cropping up.  

Ok, I didn't know that non member contact had been removed. Anyone care to enlighten me as to why? I have obviously missed something somewhere.

My opinions may need modifying once I am better informed. Currently, I appear to be behind the curve somewhat :0

Have you tried doing a search? :D  :D:D



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I was biting my lip about you being behind the curve..... never did get the hang of an apex then ?

:laugh:  :laugh: Thats very good!

Blatman IMO is correct and I would like to add this-regardless of when communication rights have been taken away why should non members have the same rights as full paid up members? this is just one of the many benefits of being a club member.

I think it is also important to bear in mind that if everyone had the same attitude of not joinig this and other car clubs then the club would not exist and therefore neither would this forum and we wouldn't have anything to argue about :devil:

Also if non members did have the same rights as members-is it fair that non members benefit from paying members?

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I was biting my lip about you being behind the curve..... never did get the hang of an apex then ?

I understand apexes. Just can't hit them all that well.

As for doing a search...  you're a bunch of b*******s :p

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Well put Blatman and I agree with your comments.  I believe however during your time away from these pages that non-members had their ability to send PM's taken away, hence why this query keeps cropping up.  

Ok, I didn't know that non member contact had been removed. Anyone care to enlighten me as to why? I have obviously missed something somewhere.

My opinions may need modifying once I am better informed. Currently, I appear to be behind the curve somewhat :0

Have you tried doing a search? :D  :D:D



Interesting couple of threads...

I said that once I was better informed I reserved the right to change my opinion. I don't think I will just yet 'cos I haven't seen a properly convincing argument. I will say this though, in response to some comments raised in the 4 pager... The benefit of membership is being able to post in the For Sale sections, not simply have the use of the PM facility. I can see a possible case for limiting PM's for members only also in the For Sale section but having them freely available to all in the "non restricted" sections so that tech questions and the like can be answered if necessary, but I suspect that wouldn't be possible, which means PM's for members only, or for all users, is an all or nothing proposition.

With regard to limited market places for members who wish to sell... well yes, but as a member who also "suffers", I also am savvy enough to know that there are plenty of other easily accesible options open to me if I *need* to market my items to the general public. Some comments seem to imply that the WSCC Boardroom is the *only* viable market place out there.  It's flattering, but simply an unrealistic interpretation offered by people in the heat of indignation at what they see as a curtailment of their rights. Well, if you're a non member, it's not a right, it's a privilege that was afforded to you. The privilege may return in the future, it may not.  

There's an old saying. You can't please all the people all the time...

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I have said it before , and i have no problem with restricted rights to non members , i accept i can't have the ability to sell items in the for sale section for example , i accept there are forums i cannot view , and those are all fine .

What i take issue with (not that i have a right to) was that the PM rights as i understand it were revoked because a member was greedy and naive .

My auction ends today for an item i have donated to go to a charity of the clubs choosing , i have no idea how the logistics of the end of that happen without me or someone openly posting and email address .... because i can't PM

I didn't start the action to raise and issue , just to do something i felt was needed .

There are lots of forums about , most make you register to use them , i don't know any that PM rights are revoked for non members (if you want then personally you do what blatchat did and make it members only i have no issue with that)

You should not give automatic right to the forum without verifying details if your that worried .

But being a bit silly when someone offers you a cracking deal that really looks to good to be true isn't a reason to revoke PM's

If the same person had fallen foul of a nigerian bank scamp you would have all fallen about laughing , and called the person silly , but hey you can't help all the people all the time .

Just my view ... and doubless not worth the time i took to write it .

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I'm with Harv on this one, as a fairly new member I experienced this directly.  Before I had joined the club I was looking for a seven type car, not necessarily just a westfield, so I wasn't going to join all the clubs available just in case.

In my case I saw a car on here which was for sale - I pretty much 100% would have bought it, but I couldn't as I had absolutely no way to contact the seller as they hadn't included any email/phone in the advert (which is fair enough, as its an easy way for spammers/scammers to harvest information).

In desperation I posted on another thread asking for someone to PM the seller and I also mentioned (fair enough more tact could have been used) that I thought the system was not to the benefit of the seller and was given a pretty hostile response, and no-one contacted the seller for me.  I moved on, bought another car elsewhere and then joined the club as I said I would.  But even then it took a couple of weeks before I had posting/PM rights in the for sale sections.

In my mind, this policy costs potential sales - which only really punishes the member who is selling.  I understand not allowing non members to post in for sale sections (in fact, I would limit it even further to most areas perhaps except Newbies), but I think you need to allow them to PM people who are selling.

If folks want to offer a discount to club members (I'm all for it!) can they not simply state that in the advert and then check the user status on the forum to confirm discount...that way they offer the discount AND also potentially get a higher priced sale from a non-member.

For me - the biggest resource I used before becoming a member (and since) is the search facility - particularly for the techie forum - if you could limit that to members only I believe member numbers would increase, as that is where the "gold" is to be mined from here - the vast wealth of technical knowledge, and its something I would have paid to use before I had bought the car.

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Allowing people to use the forum , in the way forums are intended grows membership , I belive you have a blanket your able to use it or you have to be a member .

Hidden forums etc are fine , but not being able to PM is a fundemental forum option on 99% of forums , is open and used by most , and saves personal details being posted online .

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But even then it took a couple of weeks before I had posting/PM rights in the for sale sections

That can happen as the people who voluntarily  administer the club and this forum have real jobs to do and occasionally real life/families/holidays etc get in the way  ;)

Also, Roland our Memb Sec until his untimely death was gravely ill and sometimes his hospitalisation/treatment meant he was unable to process applications as quickly as he would have liked so this may have had an impact as well.

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What i take issue with (not that i have a right to) was that the PM rights as i understand it were revoked because a member was greedy and naive .

Greedy and naieve is your opinion and may or may not be correct. But it seems to me that focussing on a single members problems is a little unfair.

Now this is just what I get from reading between the lines, and reading the 4 page thread linked to above. If any of the following is inaccurate, would someone please correct me.

It seems to me that the initial problem was that a paid up member suffered a significant financial loss at the hands of a non member who used the PM system (which by definition is assumed to be a trusted and SAFE system by most I'm sure) to the detriment of a member. Said member seems to have raised the issue. The powers that be no doubt examined the case, and the pro's and cons of the PM system and what could be done to mitigate that issue ever recurring. I am also sure that if a more staisfactory solution could have been found, it would have been, but I suspect the basic boardroom software code doesn't allow for the sort of granular control that would be required. So a decision seems to have been taken to try to place further safeguards for the benefit of the paid up members. It seems like a reasonable course of action to me. And yet again, when something is done for the benefit of the paid up members, the loudest voices seem to come from non members. Quelle surprise..

My auction ends today for an item i have donated to go to a charity of the clubs choosing , i have no idea how the logistics of the end of that happen without me or someone openly posting and email address .... because i can't PM

I saw the auction and it is a generous gesture. That is not in question and I'm sure all of us, members and non member alike will share your sentiments.

But come on Harv. At the conclusion of the auction, you go to the contacts page at www.wscc.co.uk and click a link to email a committee member IF the auction is won by a non club member. If it's won by a club member, surely they will email or PM you with contact details. Maybe you should add that request to the auction details so that the winner knows what to do. No need tp publish anything.

Whether you conclude the auction by PM or by email off the board, it's not going to be too much "extra" work, or massively more difficult, is it?

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