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Possible Harness Bulkbuy

Darrell O'Neill

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Darrell as per PM im still interested, i think bolt down could be better if you leave the car and go walk a bout stops them being nicked Gray.
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Just a thought... We could always open this up to those Locost lot. Might get the numbers up...

Good idea.

Anyone othering? Im not an account holder there..

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Most definitely not saying that the Schroths aren't a good buy at that price, but I had spotted these previously and they seemed pretty good VFM too.

Has anybody used these? Good/bad?

Race Harnesses

Saw these at Autosport (or somewhere like that) cant exactly put my finger on why, but they just didnt seem the quality of the Schroth harness, and if I remember correctly, they only come in 3" lap straps.

Also the guy I spoke to concerning them said that the lap straps may be difficult to alter once in a tight car like the westie, as the adjusters on the laps were close to the fixing points, That why I never looked into them further..

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Definately interested in 2x schroth 4 point in black, with 1x single point crotch strap.

(3" shoulder, 2" lap, areo buckle, clip in all round) assuming the lengths are suitable for my Dax (I'll measure up when I get home)

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Ok then, it looks like Schroth win... I'll focus on these if everyone is happy.  :)

For now lets say the prices are as follows and lets have a list of names that are definite maybe's at those prices. I can then go back to the company and beat out a discount and particulars..

x 10 = £122.00

x 15 = £115.00

x 20 = £109.00

x 25 = £101.00

+ P&P (to be confirmed)

I'll start off, please add (along with any special requirements which I'll enquire about)

Darrell O'Neill. 2 x 4point in Black

                     1 x single point crutch strap, Black

And me...

2 x 4 point

black with 3" shoulder, 2" lap belts

Would probably prefer bolt down shoulders (harder to nick) but not too fussy either way.

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Sticking with 5 points so put me down for...

Pair of 4 points,3" shoulder clip on,2" lap bolt in,black

Pair of single point  crutch straps bolt in,black.


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Thats 16 on list  by my maths, with start talking to the companies again next week..

Keep 'em coming...

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(Flat Eric @ Jan. 30 2008,07:08)


Likely to be interested in a bulk buy of Sabelt or Schroth with alloy adjusters.

Have not decided yet if I should go for shoulder straps that clip in (like the Westfield) or bolt down (like the Caterham).

Just a question, but why would you want bolt in type?

Surely the clip in type would make removal for maintence, cleaning etc far more easy?

Maybe just me, but I think the clip is ones would be far better knowing the times I unclip mine now to muck about with stuff..

Heres my thinking.

I do not really need the convience of just unclipping harnesses, as its so rare that I need to take out my seats. I do not have carpets to dry, and I have carbon seats. The only other reason that I can see you needing to remove harnesses would be to remove seats to allow you greater access to allow you to look behind the dash from underneath. I have a clear skuttle allowing me to easily remove skuttle.

Purely personal preference, I prefer the look of something that is bolted down than something that is hooked onto something. Looks neater to me. (at present I have the willans westfield harnesses with hooks)

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I thought for motorsport all straps need to be 3" wide ???  Or is it just the shoulder ones ???

I cannot find the section in the Blue Book :bangshead:

No Idea mate.

But Schroth questioned me in the beginning asking why anyone would want 3" laps? saying that 2" was the minimum for every formula and even the le-mans series, saying that 2" would be fair more comfortable in a 7 type car...  ???

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I've got 3" lap straps and they are comfortable. I had to change to 3" back in early 2006 as advised by race scrute, so not sure if 2" lap is ok, I know 3" shoulder is mandatory for motorsport. I have read the Blue Book and it does not mention width anywhere :bangshead:
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