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how fast can you  fill your petrol tank??

David T.

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Hi all, got a 96 seiw with standard tank and filler, just wondering if anyone has found a good way of filling the tank quickly, I takes ages to fill mine, it has no breather on the neck, and it can overflow out of the neck when filling, all ideas appreciated.


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I normally buy a coffee and a cake and by the time I have finished eating and drinking these with one hand whilst filling the tank with the other I only have about another 3 minutes wait to go - it is a nightmare isn't it?
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Hi David,

There was a thread about this a month or two ago.  Try a search.  Talked about drilling holes in stuff I seem to recall.  If it's any help then the one time I filled mine for SVA it took a while, even with a breather/vent thing on the tank.


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The best approach I've found is to rest the nozzle in the entrance to the filler neck, squeeze the pump handle gently and aim the fuel at the back of the filler neck so it goes down into the tank.

Pushing the nozzle all the way in is a recipe for fuel splashing back and the pump cutting out all the time :(

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No problems here, have Westfield changed their fueltank design?

Mine has a breather with ballvalve on the portside. Fuel goes in as fast as BP can give it to me.

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Same as NickM. Fulll insertion will have the pump clicking off every two seconds. Damn annoying.

Firing the fuel at the lower rear of the filler neck has me fuelled quick enough that the ensuing top up/peer in tank/top up some more/peer in tank mallarkey takes up the most time.....

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Had 1996 SEIW and had same problems. Always use to run out of  time filling my tank from empty.(TESCOS )pump would finish before I had .Damn annoying!!!Tried all sorts but just going steady and watching the fuel going down the neck and backing off as required is the best I can come up with.


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It is not just the Westfield, my tank (Grand Voyager) dose the same thing.  to get round it all i have to do is only put half of the filler nozzle in and it s fine.

Still, i would rather have the problem with a Westfield

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I'm reliably informed it is normally too much filler hose in the tank (apparently an inch or two is enough... lucky for some ey boys!! although too short runs risk of it falling out.. Ouch! :D ). Has been suggested to drill holes in the pipe just under the bush where it goes in the tank (so the holes are on the inside of the tanl when the pipe is fitted) which should have more or less the same effect without the risk of the pipe coming out... still got to try it yet though!
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I think westfield tanks (mine anyway) have the inlet welded in. ie non of the inlet hose goes into the tank.

Mine (92 SE) has this problem and I reckon there are three causes:

1) filler pipe joins on the side of the tank. This means it is really only 3/4 of the way up so froth gets up the filler faster than it should.

2) filler cap is halfway down the back of the car so there is very little "fall" on the inlet pipe. Any froth in the tank comes up the filler pipe very quickly!

3) no vent. Only way for air to get out is where the petrol goes in. Lots of frothing made worse by 1 & 2.

Solution 1: remove tank, change location of inlet to top. Fit filler cap on top next to rollbar stay. Fit vent.

Solution 2 (prefered): be thankfull it isn't a 15 gallon tank and put up with it!  :)

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Both my tanks have their fillers welded on to the top of the tank. One's a 1989 tank, ones from 1998.....
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Hmm, interesting... I understood the later tanks with the filler in the top were much better. Just a rumour then?

Mine is a right pain in the :arse: to fill, although next time I'm going to try pointing the pump at the back of the neck. Although, I did drain it and take it out recently and found 5 ltrs in the tank = a big fat 0 on the gauge... :D

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