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Really boring, just did an oil change on the MB - the 'A' service that was due. This was the first time I did the service on this car, as it was on a service contract up until last year to keep the HV/battery warranty active. I did replace the 12V main and aux batteries last year though, and a couple of door handle LEDs prior to that so have done a few small jobs on it.


I bought one of those oil sucking gadgets to do this one. Not used one before and although it was a bit slower than I expected, it did a great job, absolutely zero mess or hassle. Also, zero crawling about on the floor too, which was nice. That said, I did do an undercarriage inspection so some crawling was involved I guess. It'll be really useful on the other cars as well, particularly the Midlana as some idiot put a solid panel under the engine bay and even without that, the sump plug is very awkward to get at due to the placement of a piece of chassis.


Oil & filter swap done, I went to reset the service reminder, another thing I've not done before.  The method I got from the internet didn't work on my car, perhaps because it's a hybrid(?) or maybe I just got it wrong, so I had to use the iCarSoft MB2 scanner I bought to go with the car. All seemed well, reset the indicator, told it which oil I'd put in, all good....then the car told me the 'B' service was 365 days overdue.....  Messed about with it some, tried to restore then reset again, nope, it wouldn't reset the 'B' service alert. Checked there wasn't suddenly a fault with the dash, nope, no codes, got nowhere so decided to just live with it. I have documentary evidence it was done. Put the car back on the drive, re-checked the oil, final check over and.....service warning now gone away. I guess turning it off & on again did the trick.


I took lots of pictures during the procedure and even a short video at one point. Don't really know why though tbh -  either my word I did it, and properly, is acceptable...or it isn't. Pictures wouldn't really help.


Looking to move this one along this year - time to go full EV for me.



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Back to school for me, finally sorting my tools out on a couple of ‘shadow boards’ 🤣. They are a motley assortment, collected over the years and not all in very good condition but at least I know where they are, and what I have now so can build from here. One board more woodworking for home DIY and the other for the car and other mechanical stuff. Work bench is fully operational now so I can actually get on with doing things now.


I finally managed to get the car sorted and started at the weekend so perhaps a first trip out for the year is not far off. Not sure I dare brave a Cullompton trip on Wednesday, depends on the weather.


EDIT Added a couple of pics of the bench now it’s finished. Nice to have a sorted place to work now. The Avon Tyres sign was tucked away in the garage when we moved in. My old man worked for them years ago when I was small, so it needed to go up 👍








  • Like 6

Bespoke driving footwear anyone?

My wife crocheted these over the winter period, guess she took pity on me not getting out for a blast and just tinkering in the garage.



  • Like 2
  • Thanks 1
  • Haha 5
38 minutes ago, Ansoeb said:

Bespoke driving footwear anyone?

My wife crocheted these over the winter period, guess she took pity on me not getting out for a blast and just tinkering in the garage.





Cycle stays immersed in rust remover 😎


  • Like 1

Gone from this:




to this:



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I need a bigger garage 😭


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Made a little arm rest for those long drives.


  • Like 9
1 hour ago, Chris Larner said:

Made a little arm rest for those long drives.


Nice work, does it hinge up? You'll be after @Paul Aspden (MoFast) cup holder next.............. 😉



No at the moment it just moves backwards when brakes up. Looking at fitting a hinge next as would make it nicer. Run out of carbon sheeting now though.

2 hours ago, Chris Larner said:

Made a little arm rest for those long drives.


There was someone on WSCC selling something similar a while back. I liked it but it was quite expensive. This one was made from foam I think 


I do like the caterham style padded tunnel top. Not sure if anyone makes them for a westfield

7 hours ago, Benrobson2999 - Kent AO said:

I do like the caterham style padded tunnel top. Not sure if anyone makes them for a westfield


Owners have made their own variations of it, and had them made as one off's over the years, but no, there isn't a range of off-the-shelf models available, as far I know.


(Part of the issue is the shear variation in Westfield tunnel widths, making it quite hard to cover all the bases, for a manufacturer. Then you have the variation in things like gear lever position  and hand brake position, model to model.)

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