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WSCC 2020 Blyton event and Speed Series

John Loudon - Sponsorship Liaison

Poll - WSCC 2020 Blyton event and Speed Series  

41 members have voted

  1. 1. If the WSCC Blyton sprint is possible will you attend?

    • Yes
    • No
  2. 2. If we start the season on 1st July you intend to compete in a reasonable percentage of the remaining 21 events i.e. 8 or more

    • Yes
    • No
  3. 3. If we start the season on 1st Aug do you intend to compete in a reasonable number of the remaining 14 events i.e. 6 or more

    • Yes
    • No

This poll is closed to new votes

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1 hour ago, Dave (OnliestSmeg) - Manchester AO said:

The expect trackday would be fine without the sprint.


But the sprint relies on volunteer helpers, most of which attend the track day and might not volunteer without it's draw.


Imo Assessment of attendance for both is important, but with many coming on the forum infrequently maybe this should not be only avenue for polling.



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Guys, This posting and poll was for speed series competitors and was focussed on the possible attendance at the Blyton sprints and the rest of the season. Whilst the posting mentioned the Friday trackday (as it is linked with the weekend in terms of support) this will be dealt with under a separate posting. It could be that the trackday and Sprints will have different arrangements for ensuring personal safety and separation. Once we have more details ( Maybe on 7th May ) we can make more sense of how things will work if we get approval. There is still a lot to consider and the Poll of drivers will help the club decide on the best way forward 

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I do hope that we will be allowed out. Social distancing is easy, and whilst I enjoy helping Mrs H in the garden I'd much rather be competing.


As the question is important perhaps it might be a good idea to email everyone who has registered for the Speed Series to ask for their commitment.


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31 minutes ago, Richard Houlgate said:

the question is important perhaps it might be a good idea to email everyone who has registered for the Speed Series to ask for their commitment.


A number of members and participants across the Club, in response to the GDPR updates have requested no email contact, unfortunately, which affects situations like this.

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In order to make the Poll valid and useful in forward palling could I just remind people that this is for 2020 Speed Series registered drivers only . So far only 2 people have said they will not attend Blyton if we run it. The "No" votes by Martin Harvey and Mark Stanton are not valid

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Firstly sorry for the long post:


Folks let’s not complicate this. 

The reason for the poll is several fold but is mainly just to gauge how people feel about competing this year should lockdown be lifted.
Im sure many of us can’t wait to get out on track again, but we also have to consider that some people may feel differently and it’s too late in the season to compete in a full championship due to other commitments such as self employed businesses catching up on lost work, or others may have a lack of finance due to being furloughed etc etc and won’t turn out at all this year, so this is what we are trying to gauge.


Firstly the immediate concern is the Blyton Weekend as clearly there is financial commitments for club in relation to it.

We are obviously dependant on MSUK resuming permits in order for Motorsport to take place but even if they do, we don’t know if officials, medical and breakdown crews will still be available, ( or willing)  without which we can’t tun.

After all it’s no use committing  to running the Sprint event if we have too few entries for the reasons above. 


The track day is an important part of the weekend for members and the speed series drivers as has been pointed out as many of our volunteers attend the track day the day before, but things are that odd at the moment the track day could go ahead and not the sprint or vice versa..... who knows. Let’s hope it both....before we all go stir crazy 😝.We will no doubt run a further survey once we have a better idea what’s happening. 


Of course IF we do run the sprint we will always be grateful to anyone who is willing to help out with marshalling etc etc especially if they have attended the track day the day before and are making a weekend of it.


The purpose of the poll of registered competitors is also to gauge whether we are going to have a meaningful championship going forward, with plenty of people turning out for the remaining rounds as this obviously has an impact on the awards do at the end of the year. 


There is a lot of uncertainty at the moment  and I’m aware that Terry is in contact with other clubs to see what their plans are as this also affects our championship too.

If we can get an idea how many people will be turning out this year, this can be fed back to the other clubs as they are in a similar position to ourselves.


So if you are a registered contender please complete the survey.

If you are not then please feel free to indicate whether you will be attending any of the speed series rounds either for a track day, to volunteer, or even just to spectate. 


Thank you and stay safe..


Mark Anson 



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It would be useful if we had a few more please

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I can’t really fill the survey in at the moment because I don’t know the answers yet 

until the wheels of industry start turning again and see if I still have a business to run 

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Fingers crossed for you Matt

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On 03/05/2020 at 17:11, Terry Everall - WSCC Competition Secretary said:

In order to make the Poll valid and useful in forward palling could I just remind people that this is for 2020 Speed Series registered drivers only . So far only 2 people have said they will not attend Blyton if we run it. The "No" votes by Martin Harvey and Mark Stanton are not valid

@Terry Everall - WSCC Competition Secretary


Though I may not have entered the speed series this year I am a member of an invited championship to the Blyton Sprint and therefore felt my opinion valid. 

I have to say I’m not impressed at your attempt to embarrass me in in public and feel an apology is due. 


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But Martin you have completed the Poll as if you are a Speed Series Competitor and  my point is that this was to judge support and interest from SS registered competitors.  You are not supporting the speed series this year but you have completed all questions including number 2 and 3 which is asking drivers about their intentions to take part in the events we may have left in 2020. 

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Your post specifically mentions the “No Votes” for attendance at Blyton should it be run are not valid from myself and one other.  I am a possible entrant and therefore my opinion should be valid. 

Maybe I got carried away and forgot I hadn’t entered the SS this year ( not that it matters now ) in answering the other two polls. 

I still feel your public naming and shaming is wrong, below the post of Comp Sec and deserves an apology. It will also do nothing to help repair my lost love for the SS. 

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Please read what I posted !!!!!

It said that your poll vote and one other were not valid. It was just a statement of fact so how is that shaming you ?

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I don’t think much will be happening until a vaccine is available. Too much risk for those of retirement age (even if they are allowed out) and getting businesses and jobs back on track will be a priority. I sense a lot of people will not have the spare cash or be willing to travel to do motorsport.


MSUK appear to be making mutterings about starting up again but I think in reality  it’s a ploy to justify holding onto license fees instead of calling it quits for 2020.


Maybe I’m wrong but we’ll see.

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It wont be what people want to hear, but I would counsel the commitee toward minimising financial exposure. Im sure if in the event it cant be run that any club investment would eventually be returned in full, but this many not be the case. I work with a number of UK events - albeit larger and there is very limited prospect of anything happening this calendar year. Whilst we have our own on site crews for medical issues, Im sure the event woudl need the support of local services for ambulance etc and I just dont see that happenning.


There is overwhelming support for lockdown still and fear (rightly in my opinion) - so whilst ive voted to say I'd love to get to the event and start the season - both true staements, will I really be able to as a higher risk individual? We all need positive thoughts at the difficult time, but in business I plan for worst case senarios and wait for plesant surprises at the moment.


As aside, I dont think it right for admins to discuss individual votes in polls - However im also sure that like everyone right now that admin team are under incredible stress trying to keep the show on the road so should be forgiven. I can say running my business right now, its difficult to get the judgement right. So kiss and make up.


As a second aside, loads of business right now are doing the right thing by thier customers despite this making things harder for them. The MSA wont be one of them until the last possible moment. Oh what it is to a monopoly.


Stay safe and keep smiling.

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