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How's the grocery shopping going?


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40 minutes ago, Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Secretary said:

East Coast Fibreglass supplies does mail order IPA in decent sizes at reasonable costs. No idea if they’re still shipping at the moment, but they could well be.

Cheers for that Dave , order placed , looks as if there's been a bit of a price hike too 

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Aye, we’re going to see some odd pricing on certain consumables over the near future, here alternative uses make them ripe of Pandemic price “adjustments”, for supply and demand.

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8 hours ago, pistonbroke said:

Also used for thinning some types of epoxies !


Don't worry Bernie you'll be alright, epoxy is curable! 😜

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On 09/04/2020 at 16:29, AdamR said:

I go to a smaller shop towards the end of the day. No queues, no problem, just a few bits out of stock. 


Same again yesterday evening about 7pm, only half a dozen people in the whole store apart from staff. Couldn't get tins of chickpeas - bought dried instead - peanuts, or mozzarella (#firstworldproblems) but those were the only shortfalls.

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16 minutes ago, AdamR said:

Couldn't get tins of chickpeas

Odd how some things sell out - vegans can’t make a meringue now 😁 (#morefirstworldproblems)

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Yeah, pasta (most variants) seems to be one of the most commonly sold out, or near sold out items everywhere, after the headline items like toilet roll. Weird how you suddenly find out what people’s essentials are!

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Pasta, onions and tinned tomatoes I can understand - most people will think they can make a meal with those. But the wife asked me to get some knorr chicken stock pots as part of our weekly shop and the shelves were empty - but just those, not the lamb, beef or fish ones!

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13 hours ago, Chris King - Webmaster and Joint North East AO said:

India Pale Ale? 😁

70% IPA?


With virus worries having got the better of me I'll give it a try.

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I can recommend Rebellion... No, not the extinction variety!


4 hours ago, DonPeffers said:

70% IPA?


With virus worries having got the better of me I'll give it a try.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Is anyone using a face mask yet including when doing the food shopping?


Given only 238 covid deaths in South Korea, where it seems everyone wears a mask, I thought I might start.


In the boxroom I found an old Screwfix mask which was likely used when spraying etc but the straps were broken. It still looked clean and hopefully serviceable so I fixed the straps and put it on in the house. I felt I looked ridiculous but who can be fashionable in a crisis?  Also I got very hot very quickly so bravo to healthcare workers who suffer masks for ages during a shift.


Mine's not the medical grade FFP3 mask but is an FFP2 mask.

I read FFP2 filters down to 03 microns or 300 nanometres size, while covid-19 virus is only 100 nanometres in diameter. While many cough/sneeze droplets will be larger than 300nm, some will be smaller.


So the mask might be best at holding in a cough/sneeze of mine rather than protecting me from others. I didn't wear my mask throughout the shopping and only put it on near the checkout. 


Any members using masks yet and any thoughts on them?



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Won't be bothering personally, would rather have them left available for those more in need. 


7 people in total including staff in the supermarket when I went shopping the other night.


Timing is everything, it seems, as my partner went first thing the day before, and had to queue to get in! So I favour that approach over PPE.



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You're right Adam. Not good if the public demand masks while supplies are variable and needed for healthcare workers.

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3 minutes ago, AdamR said:

Won't be bothering personally, would rather have them left available for those more in need. 


7 people in total including staff in the supermarket when I went shopping the other night.


Timing is everything, it seems, as my partner went first thing the day before, and had to queue to get in! So I favour that approach over PPE.



Do you drive to the shops in The Lobster with the noise frightening off the shoppers?

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3 hours ago, DonPeffers said:

Is anyone using a face mask yet including when doing the food shopping?


No, and I likely won't bother. As has been noted they don't seal around the face and the virus carrying droplets can be smaller than the size of the weave.

The advice in the UK has been for those suffering symptoms to wear a mask to protect others. This will keep demand down and allows us to spot those we should pay particular attention to, distancing-wise. 

That said, I do wear gloves when I leave the house, for two reasons. 1, I'm trying to make sure that I don't drag the virus back by touching a potentially infected surface when I am out, and 2 wearing gloves stops me touching my face, which we all do a lot... 

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