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How's the grocery shopping going?


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"Coronavirus: Tesco tells people to visit stores to get food".    08 apr 2020  https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-52211912


""Between 85% and 90% of all food bought will require a visit to a store and here significant changes to the store environment have been implemented to maximise safety for colleagues and customers," chief executive Dave Lewis said."


With no online delivery slots for 3 weeks I yesterday visited my store.


There was a lengthy queue, observing 2 metre social distancing, to enter the store when invited by a staff member. Pensioners' hour not just for pensioners as some ahead of me were less than one third my age.

Next being offered a spray and wipe to clean your trolley handle. This happens after you have chosen your trolley and touched the handle so if already contaminated then the contamination is now on your hands before and after the trolley handle wipe. I guess you would need to be carrying sanitizer gel to clean hands before doing the trolley. Also if the customers hands are contaminated then that will now be on the spray bottle the store offer.

Then follow the floor markings to do shopping whilst observing social distancing, meaning if someone ahead of you stops and checks the shelves for an age you wait until they move forward.


Then join a 60 metre queue (social distancing observed) slowly edging forward and wait to be called to a checkout. Despite the contactless payment supposedly being raised from £30 to £45 on 1st April 2020 Tesco said they hadn't yet implemented it so I had to input Pin no. to pay (nothing to wipe the keypad).


If you tire easily and need new hips then this is as much fun as queuing at a Theme Park and almost as speedy.


It made me think that this model of shopping isn't fit for purpose in terms of time expended and the risk of virus transmission as not everyone follows the correct route and some will retrace if they've missed an item.


I then thought about Click and Collect but it seems that is severely limited in numbers so the store visit seems the option available.


Hands were washed as soon as I got home.


Any members' thoughts and experiences of how we currently shop?

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That whole scenario sounds... ridiculous. Better off shopping as normal, getting your stuff and out of there asap by the sounds of it!


I go to a smaller shop towards the end of the day. No queues, no problem, just a few bits out of stock. I tried to go to an Asda in the middle of the day last week, queues all round the car park just to get into the store. Mental.



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I did a Tesco's shop earlier today, Easter weekend has completely distorted the experience compared to previously, with way more people there, and a lot more muppetry from a significant portion that were there, (wrong way down the one way system, stopping blocking isles without allowing passing room etc.)


This isn't how it's been before. You could pick freshly decontaminated trolleys up once in store, though many didn't and had collected them from the trolley parks on the way in.


We have had no delivery slots at all where I am since the beginning, so unless you're on the vulnerable lists that Tesco's contact directly, you have near zero chance of getting one.

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It seems they very from store to store. I logged on the website yesterday and there were spare click and collect slots at my local store so I booked one and have just got back home from picking it up. 

there was unsurprisingly a massive queue around the car park to get into the store but I was there for less than 10 minutes collecting my monthly shop.

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My wife is registered carer for her Mum and has to do shopping for her and us as deliveries non existent in this area. Have decided that she is the nominated shopper as she loves doing it any way and I can stay and console my Westy for lack of use☺️so as not to expose persons other than necessary.

She has found that major stores(Tesco, Asda, Morrison, Sainsbury) are all very difficult to navigate and has mainly relied upon Aldi and Lidl for our essentials where she has been treated with the utmost respect. Living out in the country we have less reliance on things that are being hoarded, Toilet roll - plenty of grass, Hand sanitiser - plenty of grass, excercise - plenty of grass, entertainment - watching the grass grow, but seriously we are so lucky and can only imagine how difficult it is to live locked within tight spaces and we really feel for those in flats etc.

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We visited our local Aldi yesterday morning at 9.30am, we walked straight in, the store was fairly empty, we did the shop quite easily, when we left 30 mins later they were queuing three quarters of the way round the car park, phew that was a lucky call. 😀

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Mrs has just come back with the booty - we sprayed the stuff to extinction with disinfectant after the revelation of how long the blighters can stay on surfaces, don't want to become a statistic.

Got everything in Aldi with very little problems. 

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I have made up a 70% isopropyl alcohol/water mix in a reclaimed spray bottle from kitchen surface sprayer, and spray everything when our daughter or her partner drop the shopping outside the open garage door. My wife is on the extremely vulnerable list (shielding) due to her immunotherapy treatment, so we are in twelve weeks of strict quarantine. The main thing I miss is not being able to charge her Leaf f.o.c. in Tesco's car park, but as we're not going anywhere anyway, what the hell does that matter! It's all a bit of a pain but not a patch on the pains the infected suffer.

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18 hours ago, Snags said:

Living out in the country we have less reliance on things that are being hoarded, Toilet roll - plenty of grass, Hand sanitiser - plenty of grass, excercise - plenty of grass, entertainment - watching the grass grow, but seriously we are so lucky and can only imagine how difficult it is to live locked within tight spaces and we really feel for those in flats etc.


The grass for everything line had me laughing.



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10 hours ago, Man On The Clapham Omnibus said:

I have made up a 70% isopropyl alcohol/water mix in a reclaimed spray bottle from kitchen surface sprayer, and spray everything when our daughter or her partner drop the shopping outside the open garage door. My wife is on the extremely vulnerable list (shielding) due to her immunotherapy treatment, so we are in twelve weeks of strict quarantine. The main thing I miss is not being able to charge her Leaf f.o.c. in Tesco's car park, but as we're not going anywhere anyway, what the hell does that matter! It's all a bit of a pain but not a patch on the pains the infected suffer.

Find that interesting , I've been using neat isopropyl  , I wipe the milk bottles with a cloth soaked in the stuff and also around front door after the post or any other callers have been , most groceries go straight to the garage for minimum 24 hours , same with the post . getting low on it now and the chemist hear doesn't sell the stuff any more . Thought of using methalated spirit instead but not sure of its effectiveness . 

I too am on the vulnerable (sheilding ) list .

Old codger with several bodily malfunctions , the worst of which being heart failure .  

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East Coast Fibreglass supplies does mail order IPA in decent sizes at reasonable costs. No idea if they’re still shipping at the moment, but they could well be.

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1 minute ago, Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Secretary said:

East Coast Fibreglass supplies does mail order IPA in decent sizes at reasonable costs. No idea if they’re still shipping at the moment, but they could well be.

India Pale Ale? 😁

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Isopropyl Alcohol for emergency decontamination purposes and mixing down for disinfection, would strongly recommend not using it for your pre dinner aperitif!

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Indeed, and general surface clean/prep before using many adhesives. (No residue left behind to interfere with other chemicals, and it quickly evaporates from a cleaned surface)

It’s also brilliant for cleaning the print mat/glass bed on 3D printers.

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