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Switzerland tour 2019

Gary Taylor

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13 hours ago, Geoffrey (Buttercup) - North Yorkshire AO said:



Ouch. No damage I hope? Almost looks beached on the sump/gearbox in that shot.

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5 hours ago, Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Secretary said:


Ouch. No damage I hope? Almost looks beached on the sump/gearbox in that shot.

Changing a fuel line and the easiest way to lift a westy

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So here we are day 4 and we’re in France on tour 🙂 
We left the hotel at 6am and converged on the Eurotunnel terminal, off in Calais we headed for theipval memorial at a fuel stop we replaced a fuel pipe on Ali and Gail’s car and headed on to Thiepval a truly awe inspiring monument to the fallen leaving here we headed cross country and passing through Suissance we stopped for fuel and food, Jim and Laura’s car wouldn’t start so with a hefty shove by Dave they were off, however it was now rush hour and we all got separated, a quick phone around got everyone moving towards tonight’s stop at saints-maure and Troyes
In the middle of nowhere we were joined by Ali and Gail, Jim and Laura and Dave but no Geoffrey and Jude.
The gentleman from the mill house got in with me and took me to find them, reunited we all settled in to the mill house for the night .
around 320 miles today plus a few unplanned detours oops


today it’s 6.30 am had a walk and found a little patisserie so coffee and a choc au Suisse, well it would be rude not to .....






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16 hours ago, Dave (OnliestSmeg) - Manchester AO said:


Hmmm..... more than bad parking??

More like needing more room to get our bellies underneath 😂

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6 hours ago, Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Secretary said:


Ouch. No damage I hope? Almost looks beached on the sump/gearbox in that shot.

Just had to reverse it up the kerb to get more room underneath the fuel tank to change a split line. 😀

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We can see where he's deposited!!

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I really enjoyed yesterday and today. 318 miles yesterday and 290 today. 

 We travelled through France yesterday and today and as I type we are in Germany. The difference between the two countries I found really amazing. France was such big views and massive fields with villages a little run down and Germany is trees and busy and there are people and cars. We went through so many villages in France and there where no people. it was as though the French had been wiped off the face of the earth.


The Channel Tunnel was so easy to get through and use and passport control was done in minutes. The roads through France where lovely but it all looked the same, huge.


We stopped at Thiepval . It was amazing to see the monument and I did a rough calculation of the names inscribed of the fallen oilers and there where 3000 to a panel. Literally thousands and thousands of inscribed names. Lots of wooden crosses which say "Unknown" and others which just state, " A solider".


We stayed in a beautiful house last night that had the river running straight underneath. You could hear the river from our rooms and we had a wing to ourselves.


On the way to Germany we stopped at the Charles de Gaulle memorial. Huge numb looking building in the middle of no-where. The inside is huge with just a few old cars on display. It was ver surreal and did make a good impression.


Drove through a few long tunnels which was great fun and through ten minutes of really heavy rain but apart from that the weather has been really good.


We have also had quite a few mini adventures along the way but this are for another day.


I also used my first toilet with a conveyor belt.











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Few more pictures.


I saw my first traffic light that counted down how long was left before you could go. Great idea.


We also went to view some war graves and there where two German graves amongst all the allies and this was generally not done from what I understand.




IMG_5437 2.jpg








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So day 5 already today !!!!saw a longer day covering 290 miles including  a few detours
We started off from the two different locations and all met up when my clutch linkage needed fettling, oh the joys.... I really must say how helpful and interested the locals were, broken English and broken french and a lot of hand gestures but it provides a great ambience 
So on we cracked after a bite to eat fuel and a wander around the village on to Mulhouse where we had hoped to visit l’cite de l’automobile but on arriving discovered they were soon to close
So again we pushed on towards Sturlingen and our fabulous hotel where a hot meal beckoned,
Most of the day was dry and sunny but when the showers hit they were biblical
Tomorrow morning we’ll check the cars and we’re off to the Rhine falls, Switzerland and a brief skirmish into Austria 
Sorry not many pictures today

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Guten morgen Westies!

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