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not my brightest idea but........

Gary Taylor

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Ok so not my cleverest idea yet but was having withdrawal symptoms so it looked cold and damp but bright so there was a Soup n sweet in the next town over the hills only 15 miles each way so got rhubarb out and off we went, climbed out the back of the town heading over the cashmal to be met with gales sleet n a wee dust of snow. Not feeling so clever now eh.

Never has some homemade soup tasted so good so suitably refreshed and the good folks laughing set of home in a shower of hail and roads of slush

Got home and put rhubarb away I was cold damp and very invigorated

Would I rather not of gone or taken the tintop no way Very gentle driving but boy it felt good oh happy days :)


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I think you're brave to even consider a Seven style car north of the border! Some while ago I came close to buying a granite pile just outside Creetown (Newton Stewart) and I was somewhat troubled by just how often I was going to be able to get my Westfield out in the local climate. Sadly (in some ways, not others) the purchase never happened so we're still in the balmy Chilterns. 

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Good effort. Granted I'm not as far into the northern territories as Gary but we've had a pretty dry summer in patches. When I was building the garage at the start of the spring it stayed dry for ages. Today has been a lovely sunny (but cold) crisp day that I would have taken a westie out. And you have to remember all these ace driving roads are on our doorstep:)

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My last car I decided to go for a spin ..........in the depths of winter , which I enjoy doing. Little did I expect to find the Berkshire downs to Wantage to be complete sheet black ice. After having the rear end twitching ( and mine) for 10 miles, I decided to head back on the A34 , being it would be gritted , drove back into the garage and said to the wife that I need a new hobby when its this cold !! 

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I think that 6 degrees C is about as cold as I've driven mine. With the wind chill effect that's brass monkey weather level! :o

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I think that 6 degrees C is about as cold as I've driven mine. With the wind chill effect that's brass monkey weather level! :o

You need a Scottish grade winter coat!!

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Was 5 degrees when I got back home after our drive today. Wife said the heater was useless and she was frozen...................... so when I got home.........I opened the footwell vent on her side of the car  :d

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Not quite hypothermia if you wrap up well it really isn't to bad but even through the winter months you can get some really nice days

Trick is not to push hard or it will bite back

Oh and yep it sure was a tad twitchy and just breathe on the steering but the choices

1 go out and brace the elements :)

2 go shopping do housework :(

3 don't do nowt and vegitate

At least the memory of today keeps me scanning the forecast for the next opportunity

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5 degrees is but a balmy heat wave, it was so cold this day, between walking out of the pub with a freshly made coffee, and a couple of minutes taking these photos, the mug had gone nearly cold.



How ever, thanks to the modified heater I'd made in that car, once I'd finished my (rewarmed) coffee, I climbed back in and carried on a toast ie warm blat, in nothing more than regular clothes and a fleece to keep me warm from the drafts.

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Heater? HEATER! "My God man, you have a woman's car!"  :devil:


*Capt, Rum* Blackadder II Episode 3...

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Well done Gary! I went out last week for one last run to Grantown-on-Spey for a teacake and coffee before the dreaded SORN kicks in. I took a last minute Flexi from work and just went for it. It was minus 2 degrees when I left and plus 1 when I got back, but it was a great run. As you say, keep it all steady and under control and all will be well. Heater wasn't very effective, but I didn't care. I wish I didn't have to SORN, but the salt kills our cars. Hope to catch up with you over the winter. My winter project is to find another 1600cvh engine from somewhere and do a motor swap.

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Hi David good luck with the engine hunt, shouldn't be to hard to find another one we have 3 breakers locally here

Yes it would be good to meet up maybe we can sort something out Elgin way, brewers fayre is easy to get to plenty parking and reasonable ???? Maybe see if any of the others up this way fancy a meet up / meal got a few things on but will be in touch to see when you are free and we can go from there

Take care

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