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Westfield Sport 250

Marcus Barlow - Show and Events Co-ordinator

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The 1.6 would also be class A wouldn't it?

not with turbo multiplier

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not with turbo multiplier

Ah didn't find that on an initial read. Makes sense now!

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My installation has required a new collapsible column installation, 4 part so it passes round the turbo, I preferred to modify this rather than the turbo installation as felt that would be easier plus it would make tuning easier at a later stage.
The manifold downpipe sits neatly (in my opinion), and with my foot mounted pedals I feel I have enough clearance for the master cylinders I will be making a heat shield to help with heat protection.
As far as intercooler I have chosen a barrel air water installation and currently waiting delivery of my bespoke rad for the intercooler, hopefully this will work but time will tell.


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I think you've made a good choice with the intercooler, look forward to seeing the package

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I keep looking at those barrel type charge coolers when I contemplate supercharging the S2000. Some interesting designs about.

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I run 12psi and intake temps have never gone above 37 degrees. I need to get a temp sender put in pre cooler but from rough calculations that's puts it in the 80% efficiency area I think. We're spoilt for choice for cooling options nowadays, makes life much harder

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I choose this as trying to reduces losses in the flow hopefully my rad will be here in the next week so I can finish this part of the installation

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Does the intercooler have a quoted efficiency and flow loss?

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Not sure who you're asking but RadTec said it was their 'hydro flow' core which has near 0 pressure loss. So that's a no then! My MAP sensor is built into the ECU so can't move it before and after the cooler to make a decent guess.

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I think R7WSC is asking about pressure drop across core of barrel not the rad

No I don't have a figure so it's suck it and see hopefully it will work

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I meant my intercooler, not the rad. Never considered pressure drop on the cooling system. Is it the same as Gary's cooler? Could probably make a reasonable estimate from that?

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It was my mistake, I was thinking about a barrel installation not your set up, yes similar to Gary's except he has a 6" core and I went for an 8" max I could fit across the chassis without angling

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Just seen the car. Does indeed use the radtec radiator/intercooler unit. Fit is really good and tidy, not as tall as I was expecting either. Looks good with the 3" downpipe and exhaust, I may have a bit of jealousy on that front.

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Just seen the car. Does indeed use the radtec radiator/intercooler unit. Fit is really good and tidy, not as tall as I was expecting either. Looks good with the 3" downpipe and exhaust, I may have a bit of jealousy on that front.


No photos?

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