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Clan McWesty: Applecross (17th-19th June 2016)

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Ok lads n lasses have a good one, I'm definately out for this weekend :( , I've replaced the instrument computer bit in the cluster and the starter motor and now need a replacement ecu, I guess the power spike did more damage than I thought. grrrrr :(

I'll  be thinking of you all , have fun

Gary just sent you a PM...


Is Wee Dov not going, I didn't see his name on the list?


Ok lads n lasses have a good one, I'm definately out for this weekend :( , I've replaced the instrument computer bit in the cluster and the starter motor and now need a replacement ecu, I guess the power spike did more damage than I thought. grrrrr :(

I'll  be thinking of you all , have fun

Oh no ! Not good mate hope your back on the road soon as

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Matt, Dean meet me at the Esso in Dunbarton (Dunglass service) if you are going over the Erskine bridge? Guess you will be there just before 10am? Is Kev coming this year?

I'll get you at the Esso Ian :t-up:


Did we get a gazebo for this year?


I will chuck one in wee dov's not going he's to busy being german

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Forecast is looking pretty good for the weekend!


matt shut the f%%^k up xx

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Don't worry, I'll still wear all my waterproofs - that usually stops it raining!


I'll get you at the Esso Ian :t-up:


Go without me if I am not there by 10am 

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Don't worry, I'll still wear all my waterproofs - that usually stops it raining!

Well you bl**** well better get them on NOW............if this rain continues there will be one blue Westie staying dry tucked up in the garage......................it has not stopped raining here since Sunday and forecast is ............crap.


Well you bl**** well better get them on NOW............if this rain continues there will be one blue Westie staying dry tucked up in the garage......................it has not stopped raining here since Sunday and forecast is ............crap.

Dunno what weather report you've been watching mate, but the NW is showing the some of the best UK weather for this weekend!

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Dunno what weather report you've been watching mate, but the NW is showing the some of the best UK weather for this weekend!

As you know we're not in the NW :-) !! Forecast from here to Aviemore is crap , there are floods here again ......not looking good!


She LIVES!!!!!!!!  made one engine out of 2 and fired her up at 9:45pm, running good with no smoke......now its a suck it and see if any niggles on route need a sleep now!

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nice one john , anyone got a gazeebo my one is for the knackers yard . weather is looking good 

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