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WSCC Speed Series Class discussion

Nick Algar - Competition Secretary

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Just to clarify one point. I was asked to start this debate by the SSOT because over the years there has been so much paddock talk we felt it wise to bring it all out in the open for everyone to see and have an input to. This does not mean that we have to change but obviously if the debate brings up sensible good ideas that look like they will improve the Championship then it would be remiss of us not to use them. However at least everyone has had a chance to have their say in the open and hopefully we can finalise this for a good number of years.

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Could incentivise (a real word?!) a select number of events that have potential for a good double-header weeked of things based on a place's ability to have a good atmosphere and faccilities for camping etc. I'm not saying it'd be perfect, but a mandatory/incentivised 2 from a nominated 4 for example. So hopefully we'd have the potential of 4 weekenders a year like the fantastic Blyton weekender.

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I like the idea of fewer classes but I do think there needs to be reward/recognition/incentive (awards or whatever you want to call them) for Novices, Intermediates and Experts outside of the class structures.


But interestingly the real problem with our classes is scoring them fairly to enable an overall series winner - so may be we should drop that award!!! [added to provoke discussion]. Personally I am in favour of having an overall Novice and Series winners and would like the introduction of an Intermediate overall winner.


Can be done as per my previous post on number of event/experience. Novice = up to 15 events, Intermediate = 16 - 30 events, Experts = plus 30 events.  plus some guidance on level of experience with the SS Co-ordinator as the final decision maker and once you have won at a level you are immediately promoted to the next level .  The number of events are examples and I am not suggesting would be exactly the right level of events for each category.

There is a separate points league for novices though so not a problem

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If we did Incentivise certain events the Ty Croes and Snetterton would be my favourites in addition to Blyton

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Re Power to weight BHP/Ton

I can see why  people may be against this

Because in my eyes it would be utter madness to consider a system that completely levels the performance of the car and instead relies on good old driver skill :laugh:


Contol tyres- no way - we want to be competitive on day against others

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Just to clarify one point. I was asked to start this debate by the SSOT because over the years there has been so much paddock talk we felt it wise to bring it all out in the open for everyone to see and have an input to. This does not mean that we have to change but obviously if the debate brings up sensible good ideas that look like they will improve the Championship then it would be remiss of us not to use them. However at least everyone has had a chance to have their say in the open and hopefully we can finalise this for a good number of years.


Just who are the SSOT anyway? I thought I knew but maybe I don't. Most of who I thought they were seem to have posted on this thread and seem to be against what has been suggested so I am confused as to the motive for the 'discussion' ???

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Just on the BEC side I think it would make sense to look at the 1150cc limit again. The current structure makes it hard for older BECs to be competitive and limits engine choices for those so inclined. To encourage more participation I would suggest that the limit could be raised to 1400cc but with a restriction on capacity changes (at least in E) without impacting existing competitors.

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Why do we need target times which are so dependent on tyre compounds in road going.

Target times are only beaten on a regular basis when there is a new go to tyre.

No way could a car shod with Yoko 510's or Bridgeston S02's in any class live with Kuhmo's Z70's or even Avon ZZr's today.

Points on the day should count perhaps from 1st to sixth.

If there is no outright points winner then its a draw.

One last question, who came came up with the power to weight idea?

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Power to weight only works on the straights, ish, unless it's a really long one. Other than that, the lightest car with a given bhp/ton will brake later, brake harder, carry more apex speed and get on the power earlier.


Why don't I have a BEC yet!!! :)


I'm with you Terry, Blyton, Snett and Anglessey seem to be the weekenders with potential.


So, about these control tyres... :getmecoat:

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Just who are the SSOT anyway? I thought I knew but maybe I don't. Most of who I thought they were seem to have posted on this thread and seem to be against what has been suggested so I am confused as to the motive for the 'discussion' ???


I believe the SSOT are currently banging their heads against the wall and babbling incoherently in a vainglorious attempt to try and make all the competitors happy. :d  (I'm not on it, nor do I want to be on it!)


Not going to comment as to the motive for the discussion as it's not my place but I do applaud Nick for starting it, even if all it finally accomplishes is to illustrate to the competitors just how flaming hard it is to come up with a set of rules that creates a playing field that is closer to fair and level than it is to a dangerous ski slope in order to have a series that generates real excitement throughout the season for drivers of all ranges.  They certainly deserve your thanks and respect for the fine, demanding, UNPAID volunteer work they do to make SS competitors' lives so rich and rewarding.


I hope some positive and helpful ideas come out of all this to help the SSOT rather than just a stream made largely of complaints about perceived inequalities and injustices that help no one.  IF changes need to be made, it's because clever people like yourselves have found a loophole within the rules to create an advantage, and the loophole later gets closed to level the field again - wasn't it always thus in motorsport as far back as anyone can remember?  Either someone complains they have to spend money to keep up with the driver using the loophole, or someone who uses the loophole complains they spent the money on something that gets banned later.  It's an expensive sport at times and we all know it. :)


I encourage you all not to say why something won't work, but to come up with ideas that will work - when your headache gets to splitting level, you'll be ready to put yourself forward for consideration for the SSOT. :d

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Every novice has a chance of winning either in class or in the novice championship. If I can come 3rd in novice champs and win class a in a cross flow any one can. And I spent more on food and booze last year than I did on my car :-)

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There is a separate points league for novices though so not a problem


I didn't make myself clear - I was suggesting a simplified class structure (as per mhc post, i.e. no specific novice classes) and then alongside it overall championship points and awards for 1st/2nd/3rd for Novice/Intermediate/Expert status competitors.  Thereby creating a competition for those that come out of novice but are off the pace of an expert.

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I can't see merit in rewarding attendance at certain events, other than perhaps our own club sprint in the event numbers make it non financially viable. 


Events get good numbers because it is a good circuit, well run, in a location that people are happy to travel to and the date doesn't clash with anything else.


Some people won't do hill events, some wont be able to travel more than 150 miles, some can't agree with their partner for a whole weekend away etc etc.



I can see limited upside and lots of downside

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One last question, who came came up with the power to weight idea?

American Stig :cry:  ???  :blush:


Although in fairness I put on the table to understand the arguments as I think it was debated previously.


My reason for maybe not having it is perversely a motivation to diet.   Join the speed series and loose weight :d

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