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No general election thread?


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Cannot believe that over a million voted for the lunatic greens.

Personally I disagree with the suggestion that are lunatics really quite strong.

 - Yes they are one of the newer and less established parties, so for instance had a few bad interviews and a few less well thought out polices.

 - Yes they have some polices that deviate quite dramatically from 'business as usual' politics that initially seem quite surprising and even out of place.


However actually when you take a step back, look at where we are, at what is important to you deep down, and some of the issues we do have currently, it all starts to gel into place remarkably well.


Any sort of 'tactical voting' was unlikely to have any effect anyway, at which point I will quite openly admit that I supported and voted for the Green Party candidate in both General and Local elections this time round.


The local green party group only formed 6 weeks before the election and did almost no campaigning at all, yet netted 2.5% in the general election (1224 votes, 8 votes behind the LibDems) and 14% in the Local Election, which I think shows that there is a significant number who, even with the FPTP election system are suitable in support of the party that its a very real thing. With proportional representation they would have secured 25 seats, having netted nearly as many votes as the SNP.




Country needs a new party, one that's not all about a bunch of toffs serving their own interests.


As per the above, I think there is an amount of truth in this, and why both the Green Party and UKIP secured a substantial amount of votes.



Can't have luxuries unless you have disposable income.  Labour spent all the disposable income last time they were in power (and admitted it).  So why people think austerity is down to the Tories is beyond me.


I am engineer not an economist, which might not be a bad thing, however as far as I can see for the research I have done into.

 - The financial crises was caused by insufficient regulation of the banking industry, which both of the largest parties supported at the time.

 - The Labour government then spent an appropriate amount of money, at the appropriate time, to minimise the damage at the time. An amount which was inline with that spent by governments in the past.

 - The economic recovery under the Conservatives austerity measures have been significantly slower than the economic recovery in other countries over the same period without austerity. 


Obviously its very hard when you are reading what is ultimately various people opinions and research, to drill down to the hard and fast facts, which still then need interpretation of your own.


However, I would certainly be very careful about taking your views from that which you see in the news on screen and in print. Even the more dependable journalists are story tellers not fact-hunters.



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Hi Daniel,

everyone is entitled to their views but out of all the parties the Greens are completely bonkers. Their policies are ill thought out and have no grounding in common sense.

They think that cars are evil, so how does your toy sit with that one in the local group? They think if we get rid of our defence then everyone will love us and we will be safe, that didn't work in the past and will not in the future.

They think we can get rid of fossil fuels and replace with renewables, we cannot and when the lights go out what then?

The Greens locally were objecting to fossil fuels, so when I was approached I asked where they thought the plastic banner had come from, bit embarrassing when they had to admit it was made from oil.

And if you want to look at what Greens achieve look at Brighton, they have one of the worst records for recycling yet support it?

I would love to live in a fluffy world where everyone gets along, one where everyone is happy but the reality is not that and in my opinion everyone who voted Green is deluded if they think that will ever be achieved, but with a democracy everyone has the right to chose their candidates.

I am more than happy for any greens to cycle and not use fossil fuels there is more for me to use.

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 - The Labour government then spent an appropriate amount of money, at the appropriate time, to minimise the damage at the time. An amount which was inline with that spent by governments in the past.

 - The economic recovery under the Conservatives austerity measures have been significantly slower than the economic recovery in other countries over the same period without austerity. 


Would like to see those 2 statements qualified, Daniel

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everyone is entitled to their views but out of all the parties the Greens are completely bonkers. Their policies are ill thought out and have no grounding in common sense.

In your opinion.

They think if we get rid of our defence then everyone will love us and we will be safe, that didn't work in the past and will not in the future.

They are against Trident, like Nicola Sturgeon, but support the need for conventional defence.

Would like to see those 2 statements qualified, Daniel

Do a bit of reasearch of the topic then!

I have yet to see anyone qualify the opposing statements made in this thread.


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Late to the thread...is this the five-minute argument or the full half-hour? :p

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Definitely the full half hour.

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There are two things which it is more often than not wise to avoid having arguments about: Religion and Politics!! Just my humble opinion of course!!

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Yes absolutely correct, it is for that reason I am out of this thread now.



Et moi, mon brave! (Note the Euro flavour there?)

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There are two things which it is more often than not wise to avoid having arguments about: Religion and Politics!! Just my humble opinion of course!!


It's why I rarely ever post in them.

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There are two things which it is more often than not wise to avoid having arguments about: Religion and Politics!! Just my humble opinion of course!!


And cyclists. :laugh:

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I like the way Dhutch links Nicola Sturgeon with the Greens , says it all really


I said they shared an opinion on Trident, that is all.




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