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No general election thread?


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Surprised we haven't got one running. Hooray for democracy! 


Relieved we didnt end up with a LAB SNP coalition.

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Nobody is brave enough!


The right candidate won in my constituency, so I'm happy.

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I am glad there is not.  Plenty of opportunity to get into heated and sometimes illogical political debate elsewhere.


Let's stay friends here ;-)

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Can't we all have a good laugh that Farage didn't win Thanet South?

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Al Murray 385 votes....common sense!

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I have to be honest, after Russell Brands little stunt, telling all his followers (mostly students) not to vote at all and then switching to labour last week, JUST to get one back at Cameron for his "Russell Brand is a Joke" remark, I was expecting labour to win. In fact if the system recognised numbers of votes instead of seats won, I reckon they would.


Either the students of this country have more about them than I gave credit for OR they were too drunk/stoned to bother voting :laugh:

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Personally I am disappointing with the result, as I feel the Conservative government if not the best thing for our country, however I also respect the way the votes have fallen and feel the Labour campaign missed the mark quite significantly.

I also think its a shame the green party did not secure an second or third seat, but am happy to see Nigel Farage and his party did not secure many seats.


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Head over to Pistonheads - all sorts flying around over there 667125_1.gif

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Looks like it was a good turnout yesterday at the Polling Stations, I queued for 20mins.  Russell Brand is going the same way as David Icke, what was he thinking, encouraging people not to vote.  

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What astounded me is not the Conservatives' victory, but the election of a 20 year old girl who's barely out of nappies in place of Douglas Alexander, a seasoned and experienced Westminster politician. What on earth are Scottish voters thinking of? I suspect this is the peak of SNP success and that disillusion lies ahead when, as with the ANC in South Africa, injustices remain, the rain still falls, wealth remains elusive for most, and promises fail to materialise.

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Looks like it was a good turnout yesterday at the Polling Stations, I queued for 20mins.  Russell Brand is going the same way as David Icke, what was he thinking, encouraging people not to vote.  

The wife and I walked into our polling station, we were the only two there except for the returning officers, it was middle of the day though.

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I don't think this election was about party leaders but Chancellors of the Exchequer, it was George Osborne vs Ed Balls.


Suffice to say the right one won that and Ed Balls got what he deserved  :d

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Well as you started it.


Maybe today was the day that the Electorate finally showed that they understand that you can't trust Labour or Labour/SNP with the Economy. Their past history finally catching up with them ?

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Yes it was a good job Ed Milliband appointed Ed Balls as no one believed his claims.

also I think alot of UKIP supporters switched back to make sure we didn't get a disasterous Lab/Snp Govt

and Labour underestimated how many of their own supporters went to Ukip

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Its all a big pantomime.  And how come when the Scots vote to stay in the union, they all vote for the separatists, but the Lib Dems and UKIP get 3 times the vote and only get a few seats. But the Welsh swing to Conservative.  And the pollsters get it all wrong, so   Cameron had to cancel the removals van, and the other party leaders all resign.

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