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Knockhill trackday May 25th


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Extremely jealous! I'm working on the 25th..... :down:

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Me too  :down: , here - 





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Me too  :down: , here - 






Me thinks that's play Mr H. :p

What about an August Knockhill then? Sun Aug 9th, put that one in your diary. :t-up:

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Me too  :down: , here - 





Nice but where is it ?

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Me thinks that's play Mr H. :p

What about an August Knockhill then? Sun Aug 9th, put that one in your diary. :t-up:


Nope, passenger side all day means work not play, it's not bad work though   ;)  .


I'm racing at Snett on the 2nd Aug and we've got a trackday at Rockingham on the 21st so the 9th is a maybe at best for me TBH.



Nice but where is it ?



Anglesey circuit, usually the same weather as Knockhill but better views and doesn't take two days to get there  :laugh: .

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Takes me 20 minutes to get to Knockhill :). All day to get to Anglesey!

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I thought only elk and wild bears lived within 20 mins !

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I thought only elk and wild bears lived within 20 mins !


You've met Matt then..   :getmecoat:


Re Knockhill weather, I have to say I've been luckier with it than Anglesey. Remember the horizontal rain at Angy a couple of years back. :oops:

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What time does it start ?

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