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Marital Guidance and Westfield ownership


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Which of you has bigger breasts?  :d  ;)  :t-up:



Oh Scott, thats tickled me  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:

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Tsk Tsk Tsk...... such poor advice....... have you tried the "there's a bit of a squeak coming from the rear of the westie love...... I'd better go have a test drive to try and iron it out....".....

You'll never run out or reasons or excuses..... squeaks, rattles and rumbles always migrate...... just saying.....



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Which of you has bigger breasts?  :d  ;)  :t-up:


Hence the reason for my self deprecating picture (I've cut down on the pies)...

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I'm off to a car show tomorrow, the forecast is for severe weather with both wind and heavy rain yet SWMBO wants to join me and is actually looking forward to it :cool: does this mean she's a keeper ?


Oh yes!  You either want them to be involved, or happy not to be involved - either is a keeper.


My wife never minds me going out in the car, or off for a day of golf.

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What a beautiful picture............That is exactly what I wanted.


I have printed it out and put it in a heart shaped frame at the side of my bed.


You are now the last thing I see when I go to sleep and the first thing I see when  wake up.


Night Night Princess. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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What a beautiful picture............That is exactly what I wanted.


I have printed it out and put it in a heart shaped frame at the side of my bed.


You are now the last thing I see when I go to sleep and the first thing I see when  wake up.


Night Night Princess. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


???  :suspect:  I suggest you get Buttercup's exhaust system checked - I suspect some of the engine fumes are leaking into the passenger compartment.

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It's all very simple - once you get to 60+ and been married for 40 years, it's not about seeking permission to "go out for a blat" or "pop up the garage for a few minutes" - it's more along the lines of "am I allowed in the house yet" or "ok, leave my dinner on the workbench".....


Everything else has either fallen off or doesn't work anymore, so tinkering on the Westfield keeps us both sane  :d


(mind you, we did have a sensible two way conversation about Roll Cages over dinner the other evening - I was quite shocked  ??? )    

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This pre and post retirement in my case involves my wife who cares nothing about my Westfield other than the impact it has on our time.  When I was working I used the Westy for my commute between Harrogate and Bradford (via the moors), monthly meetings and other events.  Blatting in the evenings or at weekends was not encouraged.  Having not been in the house enough, I'm now in the house too much and I'm now in a situation like Tisme. However a conversation about roll cages seems a long way off!

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I'm just going into the garage to do a bit of work on the car love. That's a chance to go for a blat and when you get back "I had to test drive the car"


It will only work a few times but you will have chance to make up another.



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I'm off to a car show tomorrow, the forecast is for severe weather with both wind and heavy rain yet SWMBO wants to join me and is actually looking forward to it :cool: does this mean she's a keeper ?

If she winges about being cold and wet then your days are numbered.   If she loves her day out then she should be the  Secretary of the Secretary, all will be well.

And that's the first since I know you, you've used the word 'SWMBO'  :love:  :yes:

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great thread this - i just go in my car when debbie tells me i can…. :p

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Bought this meter off eBay with fresh batteries just for this thread:



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