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Marital Guidance and Westfield ownership


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I plan around the weather.

Plan days in advance and it's no surprise on the day.

However, if she's feeling under it then all pre made plans are off.

Also it's only and hour and a half - I bet most women have showers and get changed lasting that long.... Darn it, missed a trick.


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Well today's forecast seemed good so I was up nice and early for a blat across to llangollen and back.  Great 2 hours (although I might put my softie wooly hat on next time) and was back before 9am.


Biggest thing that shocked me was although it didn't rain the car was FILTHY, due mainly to road-spray.  


I also got a chance to try out my wipers for the first time. (note to self: carry a screen cloth in future).



Anyway everything's all sparkly clean and tucked away in the garage again now.

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You poor sods! I took my OH on a recent trackday and she was pestering me to take her out again on a wet track as she loved how much it slid around  :westy:


Next time I'll see if I can get her to drive it :d

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You poor sods! I took my OH on a recent trackday and she was pestering me to take her out again on a wet track as she loved how much it slid around  :westy:


Next time I'll see if I can get her to drive it :d

I have gone for a quiet cry...


Is the OH Suzi Perri or VBH by any chance?

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And if they are, I will not demean myself in public by asking for photographs.




I will IM you in private...

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The simply wonderful lady who giggles like a drain whilst under full oppo lock called Vicky Butler Henderson


You do know I'm going to get a warning for this post don't you..?

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Some sound advice...

When buying your westy DO NOT justify the money to be spent by saying "it's Perfect". You lose the need (and excuses) to be in the garage.

Have daughters. The " I need male company to save my masculinity" is an easy one to use.

Encourage the watching of Coronation/Enders St and how important to keep up with the plots.

Plan delivery of parts when you Know no-one will be in the house. This stops the "not another Rover part- how much did that cost?"

Put all events on a wall calendar well in advance with the "thinking of going to..." comment. She cannot therefore argue that "you never told me you were going out all day"

Choose more events than you could hope to do.


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I take it you mean to hoover out the Westy  :t-up:

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The simply wonderful lady who giggles like a drain whilst under full oppo lock called Vicky Butler Henderson


You do know I'm going to get a warning for this post don't you..?


Since you didn't include a link in your post to a photo of her, possibly...  :love: 

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