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Marital Guidance and Westfield ownership


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The response is simple.  She had her chance to object - what the hell did she think you were going to do with the car, only drive it weekdays after work?  Unrealistic.  She can either join in the fun or be happy for you to get out and be yourself.  It's just not possible for a Westfield to spoil a weekend.  If she persists, demand sex instead.  If that doesn't work, tell her either the Westfield is your mistress or you will sell it and get a real one.  She needs to know how lucky she is you have a hobby she can be part of.  Of course, the knife cuts both ways - if she has a hobby she wants to do at the weekends, tell her to look up hypocrisy in the dictionary.

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You made the mistake of asking for permission. Also you need to use a distraction such just off to buy you something nice for breakfast.........

Hahahahaha yes this! Although you have to hide things you've bought. Thankfully my wife is into cars and wastes money on her own hobbies.

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Maybe your asking the questioned on the wrong forum :)

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Hahahaha all very misguided replies.


I forgot to mention that I don't work now, I retired 3 years ago at the tender age of 50.



I'm playing the long game here, so I've been very helpful and attentive today up to the point where she actually said if I fancied a blat out, feel free.  However, I knew that could only be a cunning trap so declined politely.


I think after a couple of weekends I'll be able to fill my boots.


Another plus side is she's been sunbathing topless all morning.  :d

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I believe the expression is "TTIUWP"  :oops:

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Another plus side is she's been sunbathing topless all morning.  :d


Awwww, how cute that you think her sunbathing topless and you not being allowed to go blatting are unrelated.

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SWMBO says...


Take her with you!

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But get her to put a top on first !

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SWMBO says...

Take her with you!

Topless !! If you've a 4 point harness she'll be covered :-)

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I'm off to a car show tomorrow, the forecast is for severe weather with both wind and heavy rain yet SWMBO wants to join me and is actually looking forward to it :cool: does this mean she's a keeper ?

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Corrrrrrrr..............Can I have a picture.



Here you go Buttercup




Ooops sorry, that's me

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So that's were my avatar came from ;-)

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Here you go Buttercup




Ooops sorry, that's me


Which of you has bigger breasts?  :d  ;)  :t-up: 

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