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August Clan McWesty - Knockhill Track day/nights


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Went to book and all the places had gone :cry:


Any vids to see what I missed?



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Had a good day at Knockhill yesterday. Around seven hours round trip for me, but well worth it.. I really rate Knockhill up there with the best in the UK.

Nice to meet up with the northerners. :yes:

The day started off quite bright, but clouded over and got a tad cool in the afternoon. Dry all day, which was the main thing, so no complaints here. :t-up:

Had some good sessions on track, but must admit, my front tyres are definitely way past their best. I had a few wide moments as the car understeered quite badly in places.


Will get some vid up soon, and I've uploaded some pics here:
















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Yes the 31st was originally Leadhills, but if anybody wants to get a map out you will find the route could come close to Kames where you could make it a lunch stop or


* You could join in the fun at Kames (bring your helmet).

* Or you could just wallow in the Paddock chat

* Or you could just come all day to Kames and watch.


If our new organiser wants to start a new thread called "Lead Hills Blat" or anything else like "Linlithgow Classics"  then feel free. I was just providing options not decisions!  Leaving decisions to the last moment results in individuals pleasing them selves.

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Hi all, complete newbie here :) 


Currently in the research phase of trying to decide what type of westy i want (so many options!) and then to start the process of finding the right car.


usage would be track days (mainly at knock hill) and general road usage (evening blats etc) I have come from a MX5 that i used on the track (twice at knockhill and once at croft) and a few times but have always wanted a 7 type car (hired a caterham recently for a day and loved it)  I was thinking, a normal car engined car with windscreen etc but after watching a few vids i really do like the idea of a bike engined one now! (the noise is amazing!)


so really on the blag for either a passenger ride in a couple of just catching with a few owners for a chin wag about the pros and cons.


I am Edinburgh based and get up to knock hill easily (I see there is a track day tomorrow night so might pop up) if anybody can help me out it would be much appreciated. 


Cheers paul 

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Careful what you wish for. I have my Busa powered car  tomorrow night. Bring a helmet, cohonies and sign on as passenger (guest). My car is the red mean looking Westfield with the bike engine and the full roll cage.

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  Ace ......thought he was pulling over to let you pass at about 9:30mins!! 



He was just waiting for his owld pal to catch up! ;)


Wish they wouldn't put that big foam block so close at the chicane. :oops:



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hey very much appreciated :) 


i'll see you then, i'll be on a blue Subaru wagon.


i'll bring some brave pills! :)


Cheers Paul   

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Paul n.

I have just registered for tomorrow night. And if you want the V8 experience you are welcome. I need the extra weight to stop the wheels spinning!!!

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Great, I'll take you up on that :)

I imagine the bike engined and the v8 will be quite different ! Looking forward to it :)

Interestly enough I was at knockhill on Sunday queuing to get out next to a v8 westy! Drowned out the noise of my scooby ! Proper loud

Cheers Paul

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