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Ran out of luck / talent today at Oulton...


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i was there wednesday it was so slippery lost it coming up the rise out of the hairpin trip across the grass hit a muddy puddle stopped me going into the barrier though car was filthy druids was lethal all day glad your ok when they go they go theres nothing you can do

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Oh no!

Sorry to hear Adam.

Hope fixing not too extensive.

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b*******  :down:  I think out of all the tracks Oulton is the least forgiving, was a lad went off exactly the same spot years ago in a black zetec westy when a few of us were  doing a trackday there.


shame it stopped your day car looked to be going well.  

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Shame about the damage Adam

You were certainly going quickly but the track did look very slippery and the rear end was loose exiting corners

At the end, as you said, it was a bit too much right foot ,too soon exiting the corner - most of us have been there, done it , bought the t Shirt etc

Hope its a cheap repair and no major damage

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Glad you are both OK and damage to the car does n't sound to bad.


Resisting temptation to mention rear wishbone bolts, petrol tanks and rear end impacts....... or maybe not.  :devil:

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Very glad nobody was hurt. Hope the damage does not cost too much to sort.


On my offs, people reassured me that unless you have the occasional off, you are not trying hard enough and also not "learning".

That doesn't help with  the repairs though!


You were having a great drive……….   :yes: nice 'clip' !

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Glad you lived to tell the tale m8

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Hi Adam, sorry to hear about your off, mate. Very pleased to hear that there's no major injuries though - how's your mate feeling?

On my offs, people reassured me that unless you have the occasional off, you are not trying hard enough and also not "learning".

People have said the same to me .. oh, and I've learnt for sure!
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Bad luck, I'm there on Saturday and will certainly be a bit lightfooted aka chickenhearted till it dries out. Assuming its wet when we start, well it is December.


Bob :(

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Bad luck, I'm there on Saturday and will certainly be a bit lightfooted aka chickenhearted till it dries out. Assuming its wet when we start, well it is December.


Bob :(

Sorry to hear about your off Adam, glad you are ok.

I'm also booked for the 14th at Oulton in the Westfield hopefully the weather will be kind to me on my 1st track day....

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Glad you are both OK and damage to the car does n't sound to bad.

Resisting temptation to mention rear wishbone bolts, petrol tanks and rear end impacts....... or maybe not. :devil:

I'm gonna keep quiet on that one as well

Glad you're ok Adam hope it's not too bad did look very slippery tho

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Unluck Adam just one of those days they happen and I'm sure the damage isnt too bad and its the end of the year so plenty of time to get it sorted and back on the road for the summer....slippy, damp, cold conditions mugs the best of us...it was your turn this time :t-up: 



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Yep Oulton was very slippy during the morning on Saturday with one spinner at least on the sighting lap, we spoke to him afterwards and he blamed the car, we cracked up 'cos the organiser did say that in the briefing. The usual nutters flying off all over the place but in the main everyone was reasonably well behaved. A numpty tailgating me heavily on the sighting lap didn't go down very well and a Peugeot who almost rammed into my rear at one chicane - expletive deleted. Dried out a bit after lunch and allowed for a better drive, more nutters till they sorted themselves out then strategic runs out which proved uneventful and enjoyable. No rain as such, till packing up time phew.


MCB many apologies for not calling by, we had 4 Westfields (2 x red 1x blue 1x cream) and a Clio in the two garages and generally busy most of the day. Should have dropped in for some tea or coffee. Next time maybe. A couple of the Cheshire guys did drop by for a chat, always good to catch up.


Bob :) :)

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The chap who spun was driving a V8 Scimitar and I was sharing a garage with him, another yellow scimitar and a Robin Hood, he had 2 more spins in the morning!!

Totally agree with you the numpty's in the Peugeot, they all seemed to forgot the morning briefing about not overtaking on corners!!

I had a walk by but your garage was always mad busy, apologies to the blue westy driver, when he was joining the circuit I may have cut him up due to those numpty's in the Peugeots racing each other out of the first corner......

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