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Norman Verona

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Wayne, they work hard because they want to get out of the poverty trap they're in.


Which, in my mind, shows that our benefits are far too generous as many find they can live to quite a high standard on benefits.


However we do need to be careful that we do not withdraw help from those that genuinely need it. Like a friend of mine who had raised her Down Syndrome lad on her own after her husband was killed. She was living on her pension and carers allowance. The carers allowance went up so she thought she'd be a bit better off. But the council stopped paying for the taxi which took John to the center he went to 3 times a year. She ended up worst off.


I'm happy to pay taxes to help people like Dorothy. I'm not happy to help others who have no intention of getting a job and just claim every benefit available to them. That includes UK born as well as immigrants.

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Jeff, that's my experience.


If the problem is easy to understand why won't our government deal with it head on.


That's a rhetorical question, I think we all know the answer.

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There are surely plenty of lazy Polish (etc) who sit around on their arses all day. However they are doing it in their own country. It's no surprise those who are prepared to travel 1000 miles are hard workers.

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Motco. Is this better....





Just about....



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Herefordshire is full of fruit farm

Virtually every 'picker' is an EU migrant

The growers have to use them because they cant fill the vacancies with UK workers, 

Our benefit system is too generous


not so long ago one of my employees wanted me to make him redundant to claim benefit. He said he would be as well off 

(council house rent etc would be paid, 3 Kids, could drop down to 1 car etc)

He was on over £21K + wife working

This just cant be sustainable


I refused of course

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Speaking with a French associate today it seems no eu migrant in France is automatically eligible for the same benefits as a French person. They need residency status which is not granted without work permit etc So the French do seem to have a different rule to us. Why do the uk press not pick up on this?

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Because they are breaking EU rules. As do nearly every other country in one way or another.



The UK problems with the EU are solely down to us carrying out every directive to the letter. The others do what suits them. About time we did.


However it's not something we can announce, is it? 

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There are surely plenty of lazy Polish (etc) who sit around on their arses all day. However they are doing it in their own country. It's no surprise those who are prepared to travel 1000 miles are hard workers.

Its really sad when they are sat on their arses, enjoying our countries benefits though! 

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Was surprised to hear this week that 7% of benefits are paid to non British people. That can't be right.

On another front, I think UK employers should take more responsibility to train our young to work hard instead of taking the easy route of employing the Poles etc.

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Ian, surely it's the parents job to instill the work ethic into their children. Mine did.

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Ian, surely it's the parents job to instill the work ethic into their children. Mine did.


They're too busy moaning about the youth of today. A discussion I'll no doubt have again with my Grandparents in the next month!

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