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Darve's little upgrade thread


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it was tight when I fitted it therefore must have streched


What I was getting as was you said the tensioner was on max when you originally fitted, so was it really too long all along but the head skim has made the difference?


Obviously I have the same belt and am now thinking I should change it

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look at pic 2 is post 6 of this thread and you can see the belt is loose with the old head on. I hadn't loosened the tensioner at that point. maybe the belt was always a little long but it definitely has stretched as it was lovely and tight when I fitted it :d

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And who was the 1st. person to suggest an oem belt?



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well the engine started first time :t-up:


after about 7 minutes into the cam running in procedure, notice a fuel leak from the number 2 injector :down:  :down: time to shut the engine down :arse:


Richard has assured me the cams are fine and they have come to the rescue and are sending me a new set of injector seals :t-up: thank-you


so, now time to go to work and will be away until late wednesday night. fit the new seals thursday morning and then get the engine up to temp and do an oil and filter change. then go to work and stay late. then all set for friday :oops:  :yes:


note to self, leaving the cap off the header tank whilst the engine is sitting at 2500 rpm is a good way to cover the scuttle in coolant! left off for the air to bleed out but then obviously the pressure builds up when it gets hot! :laugh:


other than the fuel leak, no problems to report :t-up: what a hectic few days it's been to get to this point  :down:  :p


cams sound more aggressive :cool:

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Dave - we have just posted out the new seals, so hopefully you will get them tomorrow   :)

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Dave - we have just posted out the new seals, so hopefully you will get them tomorrow   :)


nice one :yes:

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New seals fitted and now no fuel leak :) thanks for sending them out blink :d

went for a little shake down drive and all seems well so of to nms on the morning

definitely feel there is more power and can notice the lightened flywheel. didn't drive hard or take it over 4k revs until the mapping is sorted

happy bunny :)

have noticed 3 small holes in the passenger seat at the side where I would guess the harness was next to a person's bum as they slid in :(

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Good work Dave, considering how busy I know you've been this week you done well to get so much done so quick.

Have fun tomorrow, it looks like it may even be a half decent day weather wise now too :cool:

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yes everything slotted into place just in time. hectic would be a good word for this week! won't be out of the office until gone midnight seeing as I didn't turn up til 1 :( then early start in the morning.

hopefully the weather will hold so the roads will be dry for the blast home :d

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drive up here completely faultless :)

I'm a touch cold mind you :d

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Crikey Dave, what time did you leave home this morining to get there that early :o

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left at just gone 6. it felt very early! :d

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