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Rules clarification


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just buy an elan  :D its much easier  :0 then there's no need to get excited just lie back and get bladderd on stella  ;)  :zzz:

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Hadn't realised about the SS regs banning turbo's when the Blue Book doesn't. I think that is something that perhaps could be looked at, especially with the comparatively small number of turbo'd cars out there in >1.7/1.8 guise.

And the MSA could never be specific about kit car regs as you say, so again, I can't see why the griping is aimed at the Speed series regs. We're just trying to run our series the best way we can for our demographic, just like every other club out there...........there's little point in us having a rally car class, for example..........but yet we have one, just in case....... :p  :p  :D  :D

I think it's going to be a case of not pleasing some of the people all of the time. C'est la vie. Besides, with the weather, there's always going to be a good slice of luck involved, wherever we compete, no matter who made up the rules.....That's part of the excitement for me, 'cos I can see a scenario where Blatgirl goes out first in the dry, then before she gets back to handover the car, it throws it down, and all us men folk can't get near her time. Faaaaantastic. It's the cut and thrust of the unknown that builds character, not picking at the minutae of rules and regs.

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Blatgirl goes out first in the dry, then before she gets back to handover the car, it throws it down, and all us men folk can't get near her time.
It's not a foregone conclusion. I'll be watching the pair of you on Sunday, and my back, or front........
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The point that Guy is trying to make (and I ahappen to agree with him) is that 2a is normally upyo 1700cc and 2b over 1700cc (not 1800 as in SS). Also, the fact that the SS classes for road going cars with 1b tyres and aero screens have no event class at national events and so entries get wrongly mixed up with cars in the correct classes causing un-competitiveness in both situations ie - Cars with 1b tyres v cars with 1a tyres and/or full screens v screenless in the same classes at events or in some cases with cars in other classes on slicks. With respect, the SS is aimed to give novices a fair chance at competition, but wheres the fun in not competing at events with equal standards of car and getting humiliated  ??? If the fun is just to compete, I cant see where it is in the above scenario  ???


PS - with regard to Graham's original question, to get into the main 2a / 2b classes at events, you normally need to be in another championship as well as the SS, which sometimes gets segregated. A good choice is the Midland Speed or Longton District MC champioships.

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John. I have competed my 1st two events (3 sisters and Loton) in class F of the ss. On both occasions I have run with slicked cars.Now I'm only a (very) novice but It has not meant any less fun or challenge for me.

I've had plenty of both learning my car/ circuits and what I can and can't do. Loads to learn (knew that and I'm learning all the time) no trophies yet(expected that) but I'm still competing; and not always at the bottom!.

Although my class tends to be small there are still competitions within the class; people to beat; targets to catch.

Me humiliated.........er no..........it's only fun

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Can't see the advantage of running lightweight bodywork, whether carbon or thin lay GRP? If you think the advantage is to do with weight, there is no minimum weight requirement defined by the MSA for any category B kit car.

Quite simply we are the WSCC Speed Series and would like an equal opportunity for folks to have the same chance to purchase what they wish - Carbon body tubs are not produced by the manufacturers  or available on an equal basis to everyone, whatever the cost. whereas various specs of fibreglass are  :D

What about the turbo exclusion from roadgoing in the SS but inclusion in 2B defined by the MSA?

Graham - I think if you check my e-mail you'll find that point has once again been covered  :D  ;)  ;)

With regard to 2A being up to 1800cc - we aren't the only ones - and with the 1800 Zetec and CVH available from Fords as standard, it encompasses all the current 1800 Westfield spec cars in the WSCC Speed Series  ;)  :D

Curb beckons - c ya over there  :D  :D  :D

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Can somebody clarify for me where I stand in the Classes, I've booked in to do Curborough this Sunday (not in the SS) just cos it sounds like fun & I may join the SS next year.

However I'm booked in the 2b class as i've got a 2L full screen car with a 'nornal' gearbox. However I will be running AO21 tyres, will this effect my status as 2b? I'm not really bothered what class i go in as the points (or lack of them) are irellevant, however if i was to be the fastest in 2b(anything is possible-NOT) i would not want to get accused of cheating &/or effect other peoples legitimate point scoring.

Should I be in a different class or does it not make a difference as i'm not entered in the SS?

HELP ???

Andy :t-up:

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Rather than the SS organisers being on the back foot, and constantly defending their position, why don't all those individuals that have a beef, suggest an alternative, and let them defend their position from the SS perspective.

Either put up or shut up!

Most of them seem to have voted with their feet anyway.

In my humble novice opinion, we have created a series that caters for most classes within the Westfield confines, and as usual, the moaners are those that do no organising and turn up just to compete. If it's that bad, then don't enter.

I for one am happy to compete against the times I did last year and see an improvement. Yes, winning is nice, but if you have to try and alter the rules just so it benefits you, then it's a hollow victiory anyway. Let's face it, none of us are going to be world champion or make a living out of the sport.........chill out!!

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Can somebody clarify for me where I stand in the Classes, I've booked in to do Curborough this Sunday (not in the SS) just cos it sounds like fun & I may join the SS next year.

However I'm booked in the 2b class as i've got a 2L full screen car with a 'nornal' gearbox. However I will be running AO21 tyres, will this effect my status as 2b? I'm not really bothered what class i go in as the points (or lack of them) are irellevant, however if i was to be the fastest in 2b(anything is possible-NOT) i would not want to get accused of cheating &/or effect other peoples legitimate point scoring.

Should I be in a different class or does it not make a difference as i'm not entered in the SS?

Andy, I reckon you'll be in F with Scott. You can win an award on the day in that class, but you will get no points to the SS as you are not registered


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Thanks John,

Does that meen I'll be up against all thought Slick shod Boyz & Gals. :0

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See you for beers sat night?

That will be a YES...... :t-up:  :D  :zzz:hic.......hic.......

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And the MSA could never be specific about kit car regs as you say, so again, I can't see why the griping is aimed at the Speed series regs.

Blatters, i don't know where you've picked up on this "griping aimed at Speed Series" thing. I was merely highlighting the organisational differences between the MSA and other clubs interpretaion of things as a confusing issue, not a gripe at the SS organisers in any way. Please don't misinterpret my banter cos it does not make me look good to others reading this thread.

However, all will be forgiven if you bring some bevvies to Curborough tomorrow  :D  :D  :D  ;)

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