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Rules clarification


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At a number of events (Shelsley, MIRA etc) there have been classes which have segregated SS competitors from the other championships. As I understood it, if a competitor competes outside the SS class on the day, he / she is not eligible for points in the SS.

I can think of one particular scenario where this ruling would need to apply. This is in the instance where a SS competitor competing in another championship (CCC, Midland etc) runs in class 2b say in the dry. When the SS suplementary class runs later it then rains. The dry run competitor scores points for the SS and another championship, whilst the SS suplementary class competitors scrore less points having done wet runs and posted slower times.

If the "running out of class scenario" does not affect eligibiliy of scoring SS points, on a personal note I would prefer to enter class 2b on the day to benefit from enjoyment of closer competition in the event class.

Any opinions / thoughts? ???


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If you would like to put your request for clarification in writing to the SS Officals - it will be answered.  :D  :D

P.S. Windy that Q was doing the rounds at Shelsley  ;)  :D  :D  :D  :D

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P.S. Windy that Q was doing the rounds at Shelsley  

And what was the answer?  ???  I was in "Escort Mode" so can't have been listening  ;)  :D

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wendy you can also text it  ;) oh yes and how are your vikings  :0

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And what was the answer?  

Take a look at the results  ;)  :D  :D  ;)  and times  :D  :D  ;)  :D

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wendy you can also text it   oh yes and how are your vikings  

Steve what are you on about.? ???  ???  :(  Have you been on the Stella again?

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Scenario 2 - There's 20 cars waiting in the start paddock  :D  :D  All in class 2B perhaps  :D  :D  the first 9 go up the hill and its perfectly dry  ;)  :D  The 10th car goes up and has a moment which takes say 15 minutes to clear  :D  ;)  :D  During that time the heavens open and it pours down with rain  :(  :(  :(  :D

Cars 11 to 20 now have to run in the wet  :(  :(  :(  ;)  ;)  :D  and it rains for the remainder of the runs

So what runs count  ;)  ;)  ;)  :D  :)

Answers on a postcard  :D  :D with all the other scenarios hand delivered by Vikings to Steve D  :devil:  :D  :D

Graham - I'm not making light of your scenario - however there are so many scenarios that one can think of with to do with the British weather and its ever changing ways that you could end up a bag of nerves  ;)

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I'll tell you I'll have horns growing out of my head before too long  :devil:

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:devil:  :devil:  :devil:  :D  :D  ;)

C ya at Curb seeing as you entered in Class 2B experts  :D  :D  ;)  ;)  :devil:  :D  in your Westfield  :D  :D   ;)

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Graham - I'm not making light of your scenario - however there are so many scenarios that one can think of with to do with the British weather and its ever changing ways that you could end up a bag of nerves  

Ignoring the scenario's what's the answer to the question?

As I understood it, if a competitor competes outside the SS class on the day, he / she is not eligible for points in the SS.
?????????? :arse:  :blush:  :arse:  :blush:  :arse:  :blush:  :arse:
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senario B cannot be altered, the weather can be luck of the draw.

whereas something can be done about class seperation.

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Specific questions with regard to the SS must be put in writing to the organising team - not all SS folks hang around here - if you want clarification please submit in writing and it will be addressed with all registrants being informed  ;)  ;)  ;)

Initially I would personally comment without bias or predjudice that IMHO (this is not an official comment) - It would be advantageous if the event organising clubs were to provide specific classes for Westfields - whereby they would be grouped together in order to minimise weather and other mitigating circumstances  ;)  :(  :D  Unfortunately this is not always the case - although some clubs do make contact with committee folks and endeavour to achieve this  :D  ;).

Also, as you note you personally enter Class 2B for events - for your particular SS Class = D

99.9% of SS Class B(Novice) & D(Expert) drivers also enter Class 2B events - so your scenario perhaps only applies to those drivers who enter for a different class under their own initiative - perhaps in error  ;)  :(  :)

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whereas something can be done about class seperation

Yeah what exactly? Smiffy how do I get in your class? Do I have to defect to another championship to run in the class with you, Barry, Mike, Ash, Will, Steve Gary & co? I felt as if I was missing out on a part of the action at MIRA. Don't particularly want to do that again as it doesn't feel like much of a battle otherwise! ???  :sheep:

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If it's competition you want Windy you gotta come join the slicks.....  :0

Actually cancel that register for Midland instead......


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Yeah what exactly? Smiffy how do I get in your class? Do I have to defect to another championship to run in the class with you, Barry, Mike, Ash, Will, Steve Gary & co? I felt as if I was missing out on a part of the action at MIRA. Don't particularly want to do that again as it doesn't feel like much of a battle otherwise

If thats the case you must lobby the individual organising clubs, in that instance the MAC - Good Luck on that one  ;)  ;) We can offer our advice when asked by the clubs - but we are not always consulted.

Windy - You are in the same class as Smithy and really there shouldn't be any reason why you don't run in the same sessions ???

Barry is on slicks  :D  :D

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