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Would You Call You Daughter......


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SWMBO is Admin Manager at a school and tells me that this is seriously the first name of one of the kids there.  


There is another with the given name Tia Maria......


How? Why?  :down:



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My daughter is called Tanya. After an elephant born a few weeks before her in Billy Smarts circus.


At least it isn't a biblical name. (or is it?)

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Simple,             Conceived on the Nemesis ride?  Tia Maria conceived while under the influence of ermmm,   Tia Maria

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How's about Virginia :t-up:

Virgin for short but not for long :)


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had a mate call his daughter lou.














she was delivered in a toilet cubicle !!!!!!

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My middle name went as eldest son's first name... Was my grandfather's first name. Wanted tradition to continue, however I doubt it'll carry on (John) but only due to their mother and "issues".

My second son, for charity I charged £5 for a name. They went into a boys and a seperate girls hat, name pulled out took 25% raised founds to person that put name in, 75% to charity of their choice. They did the noble thing and left their 25% to charity. (Harvey) He was very lucky! Some of the names were mad "R2D2", "Santa's Little Helper", "John" (seems ok. But other son is called John!), "Land Rover", "Challenger"... Can't remember most, but had a real laugh. Sold 92 boy names and 104 girl names pre birth. So straight away it was a gamble if boy/girl.

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Oh, wife's half sister is called Toni, her Dad's called Tony and he wanted a boy!

So the step mother in law (yes she is horrible) screams "TONI/Y" and you never know who she's shouting at. So both ignore her and hide.

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Lady MemSec was a head teacher - I will post some gems of student names she taught tomorrow.


However, as a young man, I did go out with a girl named Kandi Barr.  Her brother was named Steele.


Parents are idiots sometimes.

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As promised, names of children Lady MemSec has taught at various schools:


Egon Bacon


Shanda Lear


Norman Conquest


Stan Bach


Winson Green (mother's revenge - that's where dad was banged up while she was pregnant)


Murcot Bulpit


But the poor little blighter I remember most was Jason Frost - not a funny name in itself, except he couldn't pronounce his "esses", so he called himself Jaton Frott. His best mate was a boy named Timon Tmith.  He was a hall monitor, delivering mettageth.  Worst of all, he was the sixth one in his PE class, so when they took roll, all you heard was, "One!", "Two!", until they got to him, when you heard "Ick!".   I always wondered what happened to Jaton.

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Phyllis - 'syph' for short.

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I went to uni with a bloke called Arthur Chance.  And when our no.1 son was born, the lady in the next bed was Mrs. Beare.  Called her son Rupert.

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again i have a customer called William ankers . mr ****s , god damn swear filter mr w ankers

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Wayne KIng used to baby sit for us.

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