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Small Number Plates

Buzz Billsberry

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interesting subject once you start looking at it is 1/4m times. I find it wierd that some cars have really high terminal speeds but go slow and some low terminal speeds but go like the clappers. I understand why, but some of the differences are quite big.

PS found these:

Nissan Skyline GT-R V-Spec (R34) 280bhp - 12.55

Nissan Skyline GT-R (R33) 280bhp - 12.55

Subaru Impreza WRX STI V Type R 280bhp - 12.69

actually if you look

here you will see a league table although I am not too sure if it is very accurate.

it says the R500 does an 11.9



The Home of the Westfield Megabusa

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Where did you get those from ?  Probably modified road test cars to make them look good.  Std Skylines and Scoobys run around 14-15 seconds.  You will notice that both cars are down as 13.2 in the table you posted and there is no information on where the figures came from.

The trap speed is the best indicator of horsepower.  The ET is more indicative of traction.  A car that does a high speed with a poor ET will almost invariably be suffering from bad traction or poor driving.  A car that is very quick for its trap speed is either very fast off the line (eg 4WD) or has a high power to weight ratio, but a low power so aerodynamics screw the top-end.  With very good traction a car that does X mph through the lights should be able to do 1363/X seconds ET.

Autocar & Motor got 11.9 for an R500 and, as I say, an R500 did 12.0 when I was at the Pod in 2000.

You do have to be wary of road test reports.  Some manufacturers modify their cars to make them look good, some magazines don't test the 1/4 mile time accurately.  A trip to Santa Pod will soon show you what is fast and what is not.  At the end of the day most people can drive in a straight line, although after a trip to a drag strip they very often have plenty of excuses "I'm a bad driver", "There was a strong headwind", "The track was slippery", "I didn't have a poo before I made my run" etc etc  Just wait and see if the club does go next year!


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The R500 in question was Jason Krebs on one of his liucky days.... :devil:     He ws running 12.4's all day and got one really well hooked up start.

On road tyres the start is critical and very difficult to get 10/10ths with any degree of consistancy.

One matter taht has been overlooked is that Dave edmunds 10.9's are on Hoosier sliks - Jason was on CR500s and I was onn ACB's at the Pod on the day in question.

Dave reckons that AVON rubber is quite inferior to the Hoosier stuff, and that, coupled with his narrow, low drag front tyres  probably helps a fair bit. I'm not for one minute suggesting his car is slow however.  I'd love to try his tyres and wheels on K2 RUM!

I did a 10.9 on A40 compound slicks a few years ago, so I do not think the horsepower is overly critical (especially as I had around 25bhp less that I now have)

As for a Subaru doing 9.8 in Australia I have to say that is not very likley to be true. Was a kangaroo doing the timing???

Appolgies to any Kangaroos out there, but I know you lot are so bleeding optimistic.......

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Am I being dim too or was I the only one who bought their car for the way it goes round corners? Drag strip - my A***.  :arse:

P.S. I'd be up for a trip to Santa Pod next year!!!!!!! :devil:

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Just as a matter of interest, as from 1st Sept 2001 (i.e. the new KY51_XXX intro) all makers of number plates have to be registered and keep complete records of all plates made that MUST BE TO BSI STANDARDS.

Obviously there will be makers of "Display Only" plates and I'm sure we'll all be able to buy these - it's our problem at MOT times & if stopped by Plod. The offence of having is small number plate is the same as having no number plate!!! (It must have fallen off officer!)

This is all very well, but having a 'Q' plate mine will have to be foe "Display only" but how the #### do you get the stuck-on or painted on plate off the car without leaving a 'photograph' in the gel-coat ?? - until I'm confident this can be done I'm reluctant to try and do anything else.

Robut - Milton Keynes


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