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Just been burgled


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Unlucky. It's a horrible experience. Take the advice above and try and shrug it off and don't let it bug you too much. You do forget after a while.

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Not nice Bernie, sorry to hear the bad news. Hope you and yours are OK.

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Scary stuff, hope you're both ok.  Any children in the house?


Must be hard to move on from this.  How did they actually break in?


Crafty bu99ers nowadays.  My parents neighbours had their living room window pane removed from the outside.  They came down in the morning to find their window and all their window sill ornaments on the front lawn and their expensive Merc missing from the driveway!

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I am now officially terrified. Never been burgled and have assumed due to careful security. Recently moved house and I am unsure of the neighbourhood's record yet.

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If you wish to frighten yourself silly, there's few better sites than this.



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Thanks for all your concerns. Couldn't get to sleep after the Police left been napping up to now. The seargent who come round says they were after the Audi as it's black and shiny sitting on the driveway. The burglars were only in the house 1 minute as the wife thought someone was knocking on the door so she went to the top of the stairs then saw them at the bottom of the stairs and she startled them by screaming. They had a small led torch and were looking for the Audi key in that short space of time. The only thing they took was my daughters handbag which was sitting on the settee near the front door, luckily there was only about £5 in cash, her bank card, Driving licence, NI card and house key. Funnily enough they shut the door behind them and drove off in another car.

As I was talking to the 999Police control the helicopter came overhead within a couple of minutes, so they were on the ball last night. The seargent was around in less than 10mins. We now have a Burlary Pack which is part of their procedure, reviewing our security and taking a statement from us.

I'm off to the lock shop now and will change the lock insert pronto. Wife is quite shook up and asleep now and the daughter is out to her college for her apprentice exam.

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**** while you were in aswell. not good. try not to overract and go mental with security and just turn your life into a missery of locking yourself in loads/hiding keys/ etc. ive seen my mum go that way and now she is paranoid to the extent that she wont even have the downstairs windows open when she is in the room with the curtains closed after dark. she even brings ALL her jewlery when she comes over to stay.




that police site is great for looking at crime in your local area.

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Not a nice experience for anyone to go through.



If anyone ever tried to break in and I was there, they would soon wish they had'nt. I have never seen a burglar outrun a .22 or .762 bullet ...... ???

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Sorry to hear this mate :( im off work the rest of the week so if you need a hand with anything, just give me a bell

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To think, there are 3 Canon cameras and a Panasonic Toughbook on view next to the TV, the Audi key on top of the kitchen worktop and they never saw them but given another 30secs. or so they would be gone as well.

As for having a go at them, I would as well but it all happens so quickly + the fact I was half asleep.

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sorry to hear this chap :(


keep yer pecker up

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keep yer pecker up

Yep, that should scare them off :).

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when i lived in studentville.... i was something that we got used to.... Unfortunately! always around october just as the newbies arrived!


my attitude in the end was to leave the car keys on the stairs, but not in reach of a fishing rod and the letter box, as i would rather let them have the cars than meet them.


i would also say it turned me into a very light sleeper..




3 years later we moved to where we are now, and I sleep like a baby and we are under the flight path; the best thing we ever did!

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I live in Cornwall, neither car on the driveway has been locked in god knows how long and there is normally a groundfloor window open all night. Guess its the perks really, but I have been there before and its not nice when you know somebody else has been in your house

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