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Just been burgled


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Just had 4 uninvited guests break in the front door, wife awoke first and started screaming and they run out of the house, police been around for awhile now.

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at least they legged it but shame they didnt nick em , hopefully nothing taken though but still not a nice thing to happen or to come to terms with after either , my mother was burgled they took everything and turned the whole house upside down ,she even had two big dogs that are very agressive to strangers ,they just locked em in the front room and took everything in pillow cases and bed sheets loaded into the back of a car

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Just had 4 uninvited guests break in the front door, wife awoke first and started screaming and they run out of the house, police been around for awhile now.

S . . . Thats not good. So many scum bags about now.

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Unlucky, however... Good job the scum bags legged it! Every few weeks on local news there's a burglary that went wrong and victim's are critically ill or worse.

Where I grew up, didn't lock front door and because mum's good at losing car keys the car would be unlocked and keys in glovebox. I'm only thirty and how things have changed! 5 years ago in Dorset many times I'd park car, get out and when I got back I'd realise keys were in the ignition still.

There's a big thing about "creepers" around here. Where people will just walk down a street and try every front door, if open, go an and grab laptops, phones, iPads and stuff, then the car keys and drive off in the car.

Hope everything's ok and your wife's not too shaken up. We keep a machete under each side of the bed and I'd love someone to walk through my front door... I also have two pistol's and a rifle... Plus a nice collection of knives hidden away in the bedroom.

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Sorry to hear that Soot....


 it happened to me with my ex-wife.... cleared out downstairs and drove off in my estate car with my suit and shoes (trickers and bleedin expensive)!!  I ran downstairs and challenged them and they just said, "we will be done soon and there is 4 of us mate so suggest you go back to bed"...


Hope your family are not too traumatised mate and remember they will very rarely return to a house they have visited before...


take it easy bro....

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Crikey Bernie, that's not nice :down:

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Bernie, Can I suggest a few days away to get her out of the house. Try not to dwell on it and laugh it off as if it was nothing really.


The Police probably have a good idea who it was but proving it is another thing. Anyway, if they end up in court they'll just get community service which they won't turn up for.

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bl**** hell. Have been burgled many years ago, not a pleasant experience at all, and there was nobody in at the time. Heaven knows how you must be feeling to have been there.


Good luck getting it all sorted out, and hope you both feel OK soon.

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Thats bad bernie, make sure you review/increase your security especially where they gained access - maybe a security camera in a visible place.

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We live in north Wales and are so lucky with our crime rate so !!!

I do locksmithing and repair more forced doors after police raids ?????

All I can say is generally scum bags don't want to be seen or heard. So alarms, cameras, gravel drive, low fences so no hiding cover, rose bushes and open lattice fences are very hard to climb over they won't take any weight

Change your locks (call me if you need to know how)

Sentences need to be tougher

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sorry to hear that, really hope that scumm like that get whats coming to them  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:

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Very sorry to hear about this, some good advice already.  We got done about 8 years ago, broke in through the kitchen window and stole my wife's purse.  The police knew exactly who it was, druggie with long history of break ins, who was sent down for three years.  A couple of years ago, he was done again for break ins, and sent down for eight years.  He's done hundreds of homes over the years - cold comfort.


Now the place is locked down very tight at night, alarm covering ground floor and basement activated, car keys and valuables upstairs, and personal protection devices to hand.  I hate living this way when it was very different when I was a child.


Strongly suggest getting some over the counter sleeping pills to assist you with getting the sleep you need the next few nights, as it will be hard to drop off when your minds are racing and adrenalin is flowing.  Hope they catch the scum and jail them.

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