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May 2020



May 17th, 2020

Spend: £0.00


Spending a day on the garage, instead of in.  Got these Mototile tiles on Ebay at a very good price and after cleaning them as good as I could, started to clear out the garage so I could fit them.






May 25th, 2020

Spend: £0.00




2020-05-25_14_36_52.thumb.jpg.47d5f7e8484dee40d23623bb2761ee63.jpg 2020-05-25_14_46_43.thumb.jpg.1531f833f1a2a2bed49e7c60ed8ff417.jpg


Found a piece of old 3M carbon film in the garage which must have been at least 7 years old.  It was just enough to create some rear arch protectors and I am quite pleased with how well it turned out.


May 31st, 2020

Spend: £0.00


Took the car out of SORN for tomorrow and went to fill up for petrol after a 40 mile detour.  Very naughty, I know!






Last month: £  9636.76
This month: £     0.00
Total:      £  9636.76


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