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A sad day....


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Dear James, I'm also really sorry.  Your mate couldn't really want for a better friend than you right now.  I know you'll do the right thing.


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James completly unaware of this when I spoke to you today dude.. so so sorry. Mine and Emmas thoughts are with you.


Its always the fair and kind people who get things like that... the ****s who inject heroin into their arms and steal from old ladies etc live forever unfortuantly and life just is not fair mate.


Your a top bloke and ur mate is lucky to have you as a good friend.


Speak soon


Dan and Emma

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Dan and Emma, thanks - i'm bushed, off to bed. thanks for your kind words.  I didn't want to spoil the Somme chat with my day but writing this forum tonight, and all the replies have been great.


And MarkC - I have PM'd you too.....  keep smiling buddy 


Goodnight all

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Really sorry to hear that. My friend has just lost his 7 year old daughter to the dreaded big C . I went to the funeral the other day now I'm a seasoned campaigner when it comes to the funeral circuit but nothing prepared me and I say again nothing prepared me for that little white coffin going past me

So my thoughts are with you bud


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Cheer Buzz, appreciated mate. I have a mild hangover but nothing to serious so it's back on the ropes today.  



Thanks everyone for all your messages - I discussed them with Chris last night and I know you have helped me in the immediate hollowness of grief for Helen's passing.


Life goes on as they say, so it's off to work for me.


Once again thanks to you all.

James (And Chris) 

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Hi folks,  tried to go to work climbing today but something felt wrong... my head wasnt on the job so climbing is out the question.  So i have packed up and come back to my barn to give all the trucks a wash, do my horses, before heading home for lunch with Debbie.


Everyones best wishes, condolences and thoughts were passed onto Chris last night - he called me this morning and said it made a real difference that we got together last night and others were thinking of his loss. He felt cared for.


Many of you members who own a bike and have read Motor Cycle News will have read "my mate Chris's stuff" for he is Chris Dabbs or "Dabbsy" who does the consumer advice coloumn in MCN every week.  


Once again from me, and Dabbsy, many thanks all you folks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good evening,


I am just home from Helen's funeral today.  A magnificent send off for a lovely lady.  All your best wishes were appreciated by family and friends.


Curry on order and beers being poured,  a sad day but a fitting tribute to my great friend.


Thanks for your kind words on and all



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She had a fine day for it, and no doubt a fine send off - more than many will ever enjoy.  Obviously a well-loved lady who made a difference to all she met.  Bless her and all who knew her.

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