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local accents ?


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Later I spoke to a Scots female somewhere near Bathgate and she said her 'handle' was Blue Virgin. Say it to yourself in a broad accent and you will know why I asked her for clarification. "BLUE"  -  "VIRGIN!"  - "ye, know; nae bin f**ked" :d

:laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:

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Strangely enough, being from the Black Country, I speak just like to the guys in the video clips "Rebecca"


Worst Accent - Cockerney ;)

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At least folk born in London do not have an accent (thank Christ).  It is all the other b*******s living around the country have them!


:d  :d  :d  :d  :d  :d




although when we went to California about 20 years ago our hosts, Mitch & Linda, said that when we said the name Dave it sounded to them like Dive... so I guess we Londoners have accents to some people :oops:

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We're both genuine Cockney and speak like it. However, we went back to London a few years ago and were listening to some of the kids talking and it was horrible. They tried to kid us we sounded like that. I hope not.

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I met my wife 15 years ago.The first WOW was her accent.........still together & still don`t understand her.

I can't help taking the p*** out of my wife's (south) Bristol accent. She has put up with it for 7 years now :d

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We're both genuine Cockney and speak like it. However, we went back to London a few years ago and were listening to some of the kids talking and it was horrible. They tried to kid us we sounded like that. I hope not.

My Mum was born in Clerkenwell (Cyrus Street) but I don't recall her accent being particularly 'Cockney' although Clerkenwell definitely falls into the sound of St Mary le Bow bells. She was effectively an orphan and spent some time in Barnardos, and then went into service in Stroud in Gloucestershire. Her speech must have been affected strongly by those two periods in her life.

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I grew up nearer to Liverpool on the Wirral and during the 60's when the Merseysound was massive musically it was normal to hear a Liverpudlian accent which was very much rounder than today. It appears that the guttural "scousers" of today are accentuating the A/U stuff and even as some of the footballers, a minor lisp has crept in, very strange as though they are jumping on the bandwagon.

Having worked in industry with numerous folk Offshore and abroad I find many accents interesting from Cornwall to the Shetlands some are more easily understandable, then you get into the Doric of Aberdeenshire and you learn a whole new language, try this one for size -- Foos ya doos - all Fit likers ( Aberdonians) will instantly know it. I have had years of discussions with Geordies, Jocks, Taffs, etc etc and the newbys consider themselves to be accent free, until they used the Tannoy announcement , when they can hear there own voices. In a tea shack surrounded with just about all accents possible it was a great learning exercise, funnily enough though not a lot of Cockerneys. Like the accent though sometimes mixed with a hint of arrogance which comes from living in the "metropolis" - note I said some before I get battered by Eric Bristows - to digress Ants impersonation of him on I'm a celeb was brilliant. Did you notice Darcey on the Dancing thing had to curtail her Yahs, early on, tasty totty all the same. I also noticed that some areas tended to be more territorial than others, pride in there roots I guess.


Bob :d    :d

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I watched the Jackie Stewart edition of the Racing Legends series last evening, and apart from his unreconstructed Scots accent - he's a fiercely Scottish man despite living in Buckinghamshire - I was particularly struck by the commentators: Bob Danvers-Walker (he of Pathé News), John Bolster (was he on, cannot recall?), and Raymond Baxter et al. Their voices, to my ears at least, are so much more intelligible than most of the current commentators's voices. They were trained to deliver the language clearly and in an un-accented way. Bob Danvers-Walker's special skill was to give an up-beat note to even the most depressing news.

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Then you get the new generation of street talkin, lispin, bros who's unintelligible banter is an assault on us old f*rts ears. Reggie Yates bah humbug.


Bob ;)  :laugh:

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Then you get the new generation of street talkin, lispin, bros who's unintelligible banter is an assault on us old f*rts ears. Reggie Yates bah humbug.


Bob ;)  :laugh:


As a one-time employer I cannot help feeling that these lads - most of them from the indigenous population and haven't been farther afield than Torremolinos, let alone Kingston, Jamaica - will not fare too well if they ever drag their 

sad :A***:es to a job interview. :( I am pleased to notice that Lewis Hamilton's ©rap accent has moderated a little of late.

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At least folk born in London do not have an accent (thank Christ).  It is all the other b*******s living around the country have them!


:d  :d  :d  :d  :d  :d

Nice one Bob  :laugh:

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so is it the same down there ? do different areas of London have different accents then ? as must admit all cockneys sound the same to me  :blush:

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Jeff, some Londoners can tell exactly which part of London others weer born just by the accent.


And others can tell which part of the world others were born......

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