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Norman Verona

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A decent frying pan means you can fry an egg without any oil/fat :yes:

I am sure someone once told me you should not eat more than 6 eggs a week, but dont know if thats right or wrong ???

And yes you are wicked!

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OK, I'll die of eggsaustion.

I'd never thought of that. By "decent" do you mean a teflon coated pan so the eggs won't stick?

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I'd never thought of that. By "decent" do you mean a teflon coated pan so the eggs won't stick?

Yep :t-up:

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Hey, I'm sorry I didn't think of this when I mistakenly wanted the posts up.

We could have a banger of pages on sausages, a dozen on bread, plucked some on chicken and soupcon on soup.

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Your eggs would need to be consistant in size, Which means your getting them from the likes of Le Clerk ( spellin) :arse:

If your getting them from a local free range supplier they will all be of un equal size and thus scupper your boiling technique, :no: :no:

They need to be EGG sacley the same size! ;) ;) :yes: :yes:

Edited by V8grunt
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OK, OK, I surrender.

We get our eggs from Super U and they are as close to the same size in each box. They are graded on some boxes with a weight range but not on others. Some say "Gros" and other boxes seem to say nothing about size.

We have plenty of dairy farms, some beef farms, some (not many) sheep farms but I've not seen an egg producer in the area. Not seen any pig farms either although there's an Englishman who I met yesterday for the first time who produces pork. He's a retired architect from Manchester.

Some of the English have a few chickens and get some eggs. We had ducks but we never tried the eggs. Problem was when we came across an egg laying in a field we never knew how long it had been there. If the eggs were in nest we left them there for the mother to incubate.

We have Coypu in the pond and the French think they are a delicacy. I'm not sure I would want to roast a rodent and eat it.

Would you?


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We were in need of "Meat" for a meal and did'nt fancy the drive in to Vire,

Popped down to our shop in the hamlet and spotted some of fattest pork chops on the bone I have ever seen....

I was a butcher for 4 years and would have not liked to have served them to a customer... But Hay Ho, Local shop, Need to keep the trade going, and the shop,

Took them home popped them in the oven...

2 of the best chops I have ever tasted, all that was left was the bone, the fat had melted away and the meat was so so tender and tasty,

Local farm, Back door step killed, and probably lived on a diet of apples from the orchard.

I miss France Norman!

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Probably illegal under EU Directive 1.2384 sub-clause 451, paragraph 2.34 (French exceptions to the rules that apply to the rest of us Act)

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The French will kill an animal and eat EVERY part of it. HM has got to know the butcher at the supermarket and he shows her all the cuts, testicles and other things which may me shudder.

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For a moment I thought you said the butcher shows HM his testicles and cuts them, ooo errr, painful.

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I used to be an go to work on an egg man but now retired I dont think you can beat porridge oats followed by a nice pair of kippers all done in the microwave .

Will Coypu fit under the grill ?

If the local frogs eat the lot , what do they do with the teeth ?

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