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Norman Verona

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I boil my 2 breakfast eggs in the morning. 2 minutes 34 seconds from the first sign of bubbles. I put the eggs on a plate, one in the eggcup and one on the side.

I then sit down at the table and peel the egg in the cup. It's hot and I:

"ooh, aaah, aaaaaaah" as I burn my fingers on the hot egg.

HM: "what are you doing that makes so much noise?"

Me: "peeling the egg, it's hot. The second one is OK as it's a bit cooler"

HM: "so why don't you peel the second one first"

I'm not sure she was being funny, worrying isn't it?

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Two Eggs for my breakfast this morning,

Boiled them, then put them in cold water, then peeled them, chopped em up with some butter salt n, pepper then on me toast!

No Burnt fingers!

Edited by V8grunt
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Ah, but I eat mine from the egg cup. I must have the yellow soft and the white firm. It took me weeks to get the boiling time right when we moved here. Then I had to do it all over again when we change gas type.

No salt either, that's banned in our house. HM because she takes pills that musn't be mixed with salt and I because of blood pressure.

Grand life as you get old.

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So - how many eggs are you allowed to eat in a week according to the experts?

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I was waiting for someone to pick up on that.

Yes, 2 minutes and 34 seconds. I started at 2m 45s and reduced it until I got the eggs the way I wanted them. The gas k**b is marked so it's in the same position. I put the eggs in cold water and wait for the first bubble to rise then start the stopwatch. At 2m 34s I remove the eggs and turn the gas off.

Just right.

Anal Retentive? Me?

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Probably none.

I mustn't drink blanc or rose wine, only rouge.

I mustn't take salt.

No honey

No jam

No red meat (no problem with that but I do have a bit)

I don't smoke and don't drink too much spirits.

Will I live longer? No, but it will seem like I have.

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I was waiting for someone to pick up on that.

Yes, 2 minutes and 34 seconds. I started at 2m 45s and reduced it until I got the eggs the way I wanted them. The gas k**b is marked so it's in the same position. I put the eggs in cold water and wait for the first bubble to rise then start the stopwatch. At 2m 34s I remove the eggs and turn the gas off.

Just right.

Anal Retentive? Me?

Your calculation doesn't take into account atmospheric pressure which has a direct effect on boiling point of water (according to eggsperts) :)

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Nor the starting temperature of the water! Surely it is more reproducible if you put the egg into boiling water (pr**k its :arse: first) and boil it from there for a measured time. Of course the egg starting temperature is critical, as is the chicken's mother's maiden name...

FWIW I poach mine in a microwave egg poacher because you can see how it's doing by simply opening the lid.

How do'ya like your eggs done? As my late father in law would say when someone got there come-uppance. "Freud" would be my reply...

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The eggsperts are right.

But the difference is marginal and we don't get that much change in atmospheric pressure.

I do like my eggs for breakfast though. I used to fry them and put them on toast. Then I tried boiling them and have had them that way ever since I was boiling in Sheffield so it's been over 7 years now.

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So, can the eggsperts tell us how many eggs we are safe to eat in a week?

Poached or fried for me by the way :d

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MOTCO, the starting temperature is usually the same, cold water from the kitchen tap. This is mains and there is only a little pipe above ground as the sink is directly above the cold water pipe inlet from the ground.

I could put the eggs in when the water is boiling but to get the same result I would have to alter the time to suit. My eggs are always consistent.

Are we sad or what?

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Kuga, No idea but will be less if fried (all that horrible fat!)

I believe that the eggsperts say eggs are a major cause of cholesterol. Mine's OK, it's checked regularly. Unlike Tom, who was 3 times over the limit and prescribed statins. As he was a bit short of money at the time and his wife needed insulin and they had to pay in full at the time he didn't get the prescription out. Had he checked he's have found they were only 3€ a month. Anyway, 3 months later he has a heart attack. He was OK but I had to laugh. (Does this make me wicked)

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