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I've been trying to think how I can annoy Steve. But I have concluded that someone as thick as Steve just can't be annoyed. Unless I ask him how to.........

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Oooo they even work as links. Will save me searching for sbd and plays-kool every time I'm looking to spend my cash now :)

Thats handy, normally when I search for playskool motorsport I get this :oops::d


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That's OK, even got a......... secret compartment.

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If the adverts are the way forward, please can we have a clear wide dividing line between the posts and the adverts, there may be companies I dont want to be associated with as much as they may not want to be associated with my posts, at the moment the advert can look like part of the post.

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looks good to me but its missing one MICKMADE :d :d :d :d :d :d :d :d

Do they supply carbon fibre stuff for Westfields?

How do we get in touch?

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I cannot believe this thread!

Folk running a business, giving discount and very helpful advice is just for the Speed Series competitors eh? I don't think so as I know owners using the services of these companies to upgrade their road car.

Shall we all try to get a life?

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Thumbs up from me, i might object if they were crap companies but from dealing with half of them their customer service is fanastc and they really do give you a first class alternative from getting bits from westfield.

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If the adverts are the way forward, please can we have a clear wide dividing line between the posts and the adverts, there may be companies I dont want to be associated with as much as they may not want to be associated with my posts, at the moment the advert can look like part of the post.

quite happy to have a few adverts so don't really understand why the initial post TBH

but I do agree with the above point and I would prefer the add not to appear in what looks like to be your post - when Lube Wrestling starts advertising I am not sure I want to be associated with that - or am I :blush::laugh:

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I think (well I know) that some of us get very frustrated when you have to scroll a whole page down on forums because of banner ads at the top - this is a particular pain on smaller screens like phones, and older ipads etc. But I reckon the particular case here is that frustration grows when you have actually paid to use a forum (and let's face it, that is VERY rare now).

Having said that, the same problem exists on many forums not because of adverts, but because of overly enthusiastic moderators "stickying" too many posts. One forum I use has the 1st page of each section made entirely of "stickys" - frickin annoying :-p

Banner ads are why I installed Adblock in my browser.

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I don't get it, the adverts are like an inch high, and quite obviously adverts! They hardly ruin your day do they? Coh some people wouldn't be happy being gifted anything they ever wanted all day every day!

I thought this forum was full of adults, many of whom are old enough to be my Dad, some older still, with age comes reason?! I have a 15 year old sister who's less whiney b***hy whingey and straight up rude than some of the people on here!

You'd think people would be more supportive of business's that are there to help them!

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