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Great Blaturday

Captain Colonial

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Only went a short way across town this morning to help my brother fix my land rover (yup, read that right). Somehow with it being cold and drives few and far between, it feels different. More special.

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Checking in Norm, back without mishaps, snow some hail and hung the rear end out a couple of times....altogether a great blat, bl**dy cold tho..

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Good, sounds good.

One of the things I miss about living in this pat of France is the lack of hills/mountains.

My best blats were over the Snake Pass between Sheffield and Manchester over the Christmas holidays when the roads were empty.

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I remember those days.The snake was one of my favorite runs also. The run today was out on Williams Coulee road,a combination of hard topand gravel, goes right thru raw ranching country, no other vehicles at all. Leads out to Chain lakes then back on the 533 highway to Nanton,a good fast winding road, nowhere near the road that the snake was but it will do.

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Done a search and the term "Blaturday" has never been used on the boards before, therefore I claim copyright on it for the next fifty years. Let it be so recorded! :)

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Good, sounds good.

One of the things I miss about living in this pat of France is the lack of hills/mountains.

My best blats were over the Snake Pass between Sheffield and Manchester over the Christmas holidays when the roads were empty.

We get loads of "empties" here at xmas time :love:

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I have loads of "empties" all year round.

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Went for a short drive out this afternoon for the first time in ages. Was great.

Then met a new owner from Huddlesford when I was filling up with petrol after.

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Me and my lady are working on emptying a bottle of pinot gris right now.Snow falling, beautiful picture thru the patio doors, deck and yard area coated with a blanket of white, we are warm indoors with snacks and afore mentioned vino. Life is good.....

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went out this morning for a wee run, my last run in the Westfield, for now... :down:

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Had a wonderful Blaturday . . . . . last sprint of the year (at Lydden Hill). Weather was dry but the circuit was wet, and there was no wind -- which led to "interesting", but slowly improving, conditions. Fabulous hoon.

There were Caterhams and Strikers, but not one single Westy in sight -- guess our southerners are indeed (as so often opined by Yorkshire area) "soft".

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Easy David, working on car for most of day, problem is Ive got bits left over ? :(

See you next season :)

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It's peeing down here at the moment so don't think i'll be getting a Sunday blat in anytime soon :down: but as a bonus at least there's the BTCC on the telly to watch :cool:

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same here rebuilding engine slowly :suspect:

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Lovely day up here, so went for a blat with my daughter up past Knockhill and toured around Fife for a while. First time I've been out for 4 weeks and only to test my freshly rebuilt diff (of course :d ). I never realised how noisy the bearings used to be until now!

Roll on more days like this over the winter, as I've finished all of my winter fettling jobs already!


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