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The Room 101 Thread

Captain Colonial

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Next for the room - people who drive with their fog lights on when it's not foggy. Reduced a bit with the advent of DRLs, but still... :bangshead::swear::angry:

Plus one here! It's solely for how it makes the car looks. Those Juke's and at eye level have two big 7 inch (I think) fog lights. I like the DRL idea, putting them on my :westy: to aid being noticed.

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With you on that one. There's a new breed who do 85mph in the outside/fast lane. In my little :westy: at 60-65 I've been the fastest vehicle in the inside lane... I've shot by at 60 undertaking and only then do people pull into the inside lane and follow me.

Sister in law does the 85 in outside and stay there. Father in law is a 65 in middle lane... Two together in the same car is funny, both telling the other they are right and the other is wrong.

A couple of years ago, the M1 was 'upgraded' from 3 to 4 lanes here in Nottinghamshire. A complete waste of time as most drivers refuse to use lane one (inside lane) and I can't for the life of me figure out why.

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A couple of years ago, the M1 was 'upgraded' from 3 to 4 lanes here in Nottinghamshire. A complete waste of time as most drivers refuse to use lane one (inside lane) and I can't for the life of me figure out why.


They don't use Lane 2 either.


The reason is because they're selfish, brain dead, blinkered idiots.

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Well I think room 101 deserves the party wall etc. act 1996....slightly narrow field of appeal, but trust me its relevant...and yes I do act as a party wall surveyor....for my sins!

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This thread !  Has it come to this . . . that one of the most popular threads on the WSCC boardroom is a giant moan . . . what's happened ?

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Scott's morphing into SteveD


The reason is because they're selfish, brain dead, blinkered idiots.

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Motorized Caravans*


Slow, ponderous and ugly, with a tendency to be driven by confused people. I suppose that's natural, though, why else would they buy them? And why else would they think their snail house can be parked in a normal car park?


Can't move for the darling things where I live if we get any good weather (which we emphatically have at the moment).





* except old VW Camper Vans, which do at least have style.

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Motorized Caravans*

Slow, ponderous and ugly, with a tendency to be driven by confused people. I suppose that's natural, though, why else would they buy them? And why else would they think their snail house can be parked in a normal car park?

Can't move for the darling things where I live if we get any good weather (which we emphatically have at the moment).


* except old VW Camper Vans, which do at least have style.

Nothing worse than a caravan driver! Usually lost and confused. Always in the way and if on a motorway they're driving far too fast for their skill (which is usually zero, so should be driving at zero!).

Saw a huge American thing pull into M5 Jct 27 services, I went in to pay, lady in front was the passenger. Very well spoken lady asking to borrow a map. Did not want to buy one, just use one to find route avoiding M5. No petrol filled, not even box of tic tacs, just wanted to use a map. I looked at the vehicle and suggested she stayed in the holiday traffic on the M5, that is caused by motor homes (like the one she was driving), as there is no way it would fit down a lot of the roads she would have to take and she would end up lost.

"And who are you young man?"

Well love I'm a thirty year old local chap who's P1553D off with morons driving those things and getting lost or stuck. May I also be so bold as to ask why you don't have sat nav or a map of your own?

The look I got was worthy of photographing! She stomped out and shouted at her husband... The whole queue watched and laughed.

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Stephen, you hadn't told us about your new career.

When does our new diplomat take up his position and in what embassy, North Korea, perhaps.

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Adding another one to the list...

Useless NHS staff!

Only the useless ones! They are costing our country a fortune, destroying public faith and ruining patients' lives.

I've been in none stop pain since October, run over on pedestrian crossing, I was assigned a physio too scared to touch me till after my operation in December... Which then was January, due to Christmas! Then some muppet decided that as I was military it was not up to them to book the surgery, so ended up with operation in May! Then the same physio messed about and did nothing, other than increase my pain. Now on maximum dose of most stuff and on morphine all for the pain.

Today I saw a military Physio... WOW!!! Never had sensations like it, close to tears! But now I feel invincible! Sun's out and 30 mins with military physio has done more than a useless NHS physio has done in three months! Not including the 8 months she refused to do anything.


So useless NHS staff can go in room 101. The government needs to stop employing more people to asses and look over staff, employ more staff that work and find a way of removing dead wood!

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Stephen, you hadn't told us about your new career.

When does our new diplomat take up his position and in what embassy, North Korea, perhaps.

You suggested that before!

Are you ok?

Old age catching up?


Just playing Norman. I'm in a great mood!!!

I'm pain free for the first time this year, sun's out, gorgeous weather and to celebrate I'm going to get naked and lay on a sun bed! This is better than Christmas!

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Well at least I'm consistent

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