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The Room 101 Thread

Captain Colonial

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Indeed, my trusty top handle saw is superb at dealing with bushes

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Louie Walsh, Sheryl Cole, John Terry, Ed Milliband, Ken Livingstone, hybrid cars, electric cars, bicycles, foxes, horse racing, fussy eaters, people who are consistently late and laugh off their behaviour, MLMs, X Factor, morning cookery shows at the weekend, fast food, Northern bitter (John Smiths, Boddingtons etc) , Scotland, Brighton FC, Womens football/cricket, My ex-wife, People who holiday in Puerto Banus/Marbella and wear pink polo shirts and gold Rolexs, petrol prices, :)

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SteveD - we trim loads of bushes all week long especially in the summer when they get un-sightly....

nice work if you can get it :laugh:

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that long to find out you like trimming bushes , i like it already i aint even tried it :laugh:

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Brummie accent

Cars with children in them that distract the (usually) female driver, make her mad and drive into beautiful yellow westfield's (in particular my yellow Westfield)

Brummie drivers that go through a red light at speed and not see the two people crossing the road and flattens them. Then drives off until chased by injured victim and the police that only take his statement and accept. "I didn't see them step out..." As an acceptable statement, when the run over couple were in fact walking the opposite direction and were 3/4's across the road. Call following day to find out how things had come along and a young female copper decide "What do you want me to do?" Was an appropriate answer and my reply of "Your job?" Was aggressive!



Brummie drivers

Brummie driving instructors that wear a black letterbox on their head and don't realise they've driven the wrong way up a one way street.

Brummie driving instructor (different one) that pulls out in front of you, then on sounding your horn and continuing on your right of way you get followed by them into a car park, then decides a 5ft 10 rugby playing squaddie, who's a tad upset, is not what he expected to get out of a Westfield and chase him across the car park. Only to highlight that he does not know the Highway Code and if he was able to speak English that reading the Highway Code could help him with his career as a driving instructor.


Umm... Lots more, really lots more! But not want to steal the thread!

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Fat birds that can't keep their mouths shut and go on about being a size eight when they were younger.

Society not accepting responsibility for their mistakes and always someone else to blame

"I'm only fat because..."

"Let me stop you there! RIGHT NOW! If the next thing to come out of your mouth is not "because I stuff my face with pie" it's a lie!" One example

People saying that my wife, who out eats me, must have a fast metabolism... No such thing! She exercises, walks, works, boxes with me (training in the garden) and eats healthy... All the things you clearly don't do.

People believing media and advertising, "Cranberry juice stops UTI's" we'll if it did I am sure the NHS would save a fortune and all nurses, who don't get time to go to the toilet enough, would drink it to prevent sick leave due to UTI's. The research that discovered this was conducted by Ocean Spray! one example!

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have you had a tough day guest mate ???? (very funny rant mate) i'm laughing here.......

James :yes:

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have you had a tough day guest mate ???? (very funny rant mate) i'm laughing here.......

James :yes:

Not really J, but not often I get chance to rant in public. I've ranted to Mrs C for days and days about stuff. But have been told my 3... 3 1/2... 4... 4 1/2 year tour in Birmingham has been extended by another six months... Again.

5 RTC's... 2 as a pedestrian!!! Not once have police done their job and not one have I had justice. Yes insurance have seen me as innocent every time and I had cash payouts/repairs done. But why not have the other party had "driving without due care and attention" or worse? I'm going to drive an Army rover 90 and mow people over... Then say "I didn't see them" acceptable excuse in Birmingham.

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  • 8 months later...

Time to resurrect.


Threads about things you don't like. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

You're a Very Norty Boy, Norman...

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Time to resurrect.

Threads about things you don't like.

Posts that drag up old threads that dragged on and on!

But on a good note I should be fit enough to drive by mid September! (Following me putting Birmingham driving in this thread)

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And, may I remind you, you've mentioned it every week since you said you wouldn't.






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