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The Room 101 Thread

Captain Colonial

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Halfords prices.

The worst case of Highway Robbery since d*** Turpin

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Wangle yourself a Halfords trade card, some of the savings are amazing. And also quite telling.

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I will put up with the bearded **** call Jordan, if I can put up with modern F1 then I can put up with him. I like green peppers (and red and yellow - in fact I like all food). I have no feelings about jellyfish as I've never met one. And, finally, as I don't pay road tax I can't comment.

However, I respect your choices, so will pull the handle for you.

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1. Cats. Love them or hate them.............I hate them.

2. People who try to justify owning a cat as a pet and let them run wild on everybody elses property.

3. Cats

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I'm not a cat lover but we had 2 in and 2 out at one time. None now as it turns out that HM is highly allergic to them.

Thing that gets me is the anti-hunt brigade. I always ask if they have a cat(s). Usually they answer in the affirmative. I then have to explain that their darling little p***y is killing birds for no other reason than blood lust.

Not that I agree with fox hunting but I don't complain or protest. Each to their own.

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Maybe it's because humans are supposed to have evolved a little more than cats.

I now have a mental image of a cat dressed in bird-hunting gear, riding a tiny horse and blowing a horn.

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I sometimes wonder if humans have evolved as far as we think we have.

Very few of the other animals on this planet have wars and kill each other on mass.

When we learn to navigate like birds, and work as one like ants we may have got cleverer. Until then I stay sceptical.

Scott, my cats had little red coats, rode on rats and wielded spears to catch mice. It was quite amusing.

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I hate people who hate gingers. :angry:

I hate people who make fun of gingers. :angry:

I hate people who tease gingers and are oblivious to the fact that it can upset them. :angry:

I hate the fact that my daughter used to come home from school, fling herself on her bed and sob because of the anti-ginger comments that she had received all day. :angry: :angry: :angry:

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One of the many infuriating oddities of us males is that we tease red-headed girls when we are boys, yet once boys turn into men, red-headed women can become extremely attractive and exciting to us. :love:

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Totally agree with you Emma

In fact ginger haired ladies are very attractive IMHO ( my wife and one of my daughters are ginger! )

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"Baby on Board" & "Little Princess on Board" stickers in cars. Well done! You managed, like the rest of the population, to reproduce! Bravo!

Makes me want to drive closer! (besides which I thought the idea was so that fire crew knew to check in the event of a crash for little ones - which means you should take them down when you don't have the ankle biters in the car!)

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"Baby on Board" & "Little Princess on Board" stickers in cars. Well done! You managed, like the rest of the population, to reproduce! Bravo!

Makes me want to drive closer! (besides which I thought the idea was so that fire crew knew to check in the event of a crash for little ones - which means you should take them down when you don't have the ankle biters in the car!)

Oh, THIS! Plus these cars are usually the ones where the little brats are bouncing around because they're not properly strapped in.

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I always thought they were code for - 'please drive safely and give me plenty of room while I drive like a ****'

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