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The Room 101 Thread

Captain Colonial

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Just in case you aren't aware of the concept, Room 101 is the unseen room where you can send your pet peeves and hates forever, never to return and bother you or anyone else again.

So this is The Room 101 Thread - what would you like to put into it that will never see the light of day again?

You may signal your approval of others' suggestions by using the Like button on their comment. :yes:

(This should be good for a few posts! :laugh: )

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oooh where shall i start , back in a mo

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right then , scoucers ,chavs ,fat chav's ,even fatter chavs ,gingers ,cats , alan carr, x flows , the freaks next door , take that, lada's, robin hoods, fat chicks that wear tight licra gear, tony fletcher,germans all of them, people who hog the middle lane , louie spence , the **** off the go compare advert ,whingers , free loaders, ferrets , untrimmed bushes ,

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A+++ for effort wuv :laugh: :laugh: :laugh::yes: :yes: :yes:

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It's from 1984. Room 101 was where undesirables were put (if I remember correctly-been 45 years since I read it)

OK, here goes. Packages that can't be opened by mere mortals.

Most of Steve's list are avoidable so don't count.

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Packaging is avoidable...let's not limit the list to avoidable things, that would be dull!

One from me - children in pubs. I used to go to the pub to get away from the miserable screaming twits, now the pubs are packed with them. And by packed, I mean one if it's crying, screaming, running around, within 30 foot of me, or all of these.

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Speed cameras, middle lane hoggers,delivery time slots between 8am to 8pm, people who smoke in the same room / car as kids, parents who just stick there kids outside with no care. Dogs in push chairs,

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Packaging is only avoidable if you're prepared to go without what's inside. As I like living I need things to eat and some of those things are in packaging that cannot be opened.

So not avoidable like, say, take that, who can be turned off.

Agree about kids in pubs. But there are pubs where kids are not allowed. So they are avoidable.

Anyway, better not fall out with MemSec as he may not send me the prize for guessing the time and date of the millionth post.

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Disagreeing with you will not impune my impartiality, Norman. :) All will be fair on the prize front.

There isn't a pub anywhere near me that doesn't allow kids - so not avoidable.

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Dear MemSec, I was pulling your leg. This is an old English tradition. We are just like randy dogs, always pulling on legs. :)

To be fair there aren't many in Sheffield. However my friend who has a pub in the Neepsend district will not allow children in. He also doesn't serve food but does have the best beers in Sheffield. It's called "The Gardeners Rest" and his name is Eddie, so if you're ever in Sheffield pop in, have a decent pint and say hello.

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I knew you were, hence the :) !

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I knew you knew.

Aren't we a pair of sad gits, sitting here virtually talking to each other. I'm off now to eat.

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gnomes and any F****** that has butterflies stuck to there house or infact anything else stuck to there house or perthetic things in there garden

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