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Carbon Half Doors Guaging Interest. Price Now On First Post


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Only one way to settle this.


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No I have a better way I will lend you my left door and Mark his right then we can both have a deal LOL :t-up:

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not managed to grab him today but will let you both know.

and a big thanks for the offers

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Could you put me down for a pr for a narrow please?

regards Paul

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just to keep you all up to date here is the progress so far.

he has agreed to do the run of doors for us and will be going ahead to make the mould shortly. this will take 2-3 weeks as is off on holiday on friday

once the mould is made he will do some samples for us to look at, take photos check fitment etc and if everything turns out ok will also make a template for cutting out the doors for narrow cars.

we have enough interest for now so have locked the thread but will keep you informed with any information good or bad as things progress

just again to clarify that i have no real direct involvement with all of this other than trying to sort out the deal for us and if all goes well we should all benefit.

updates to follow


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Locked by request of filfan until he has something more to report, when it will be unlocked again. :)

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  • 1 month later...

Unlocked again to allow filfan to update - as this thread started pre-rule change and filfan is not directly involved in the bulk buy, it can run its course, but no further bulk buys of this nature will be allowed in future (see announcement in Message Board Next Generation area for details).

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Thanks Scott.

As said above due to the new bulk buy rules it looks though we may not be able to go ahead with this as it was originally intended.

Not all bad news as in the near future they will be made but just not sold or advertised in the boardroom. More than likely they will be sold on eBay so I'm sure the word will get around one way or another.

Like myself i hope you all respect the new rules



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